We are pleased to provide an update on the Call entitled ‘Innovative Approaches Tackling Long-Term Unemployment’. This Call, which is part of the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) Social Innovation+ (SI+) Initiative, closed on September 30, 2024, and received an enthusiastic response. 

Highlights of the Submission Phase

  • Applications received: A total of 76 applications were submitted by the deadline, demonstrating significant interest and commitment on the part of the EU Member States and eligible non-EU countries to address the challenges faced by the long-term unemployed. 
  • Grant requests: Applicants collectively requested grants amounting to approximately 167 million EUR, far exceeding the indicative overall grant budget of 23 million EUR. 
  • The average amount requested per application is 2 199 481 million EUR, while the average number of Beneficiaries per consortium is 9. 
  • Geographical spread: applicants from 20 countries actively responded to this Call, including first-time applicants from Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia. 

The assessment process begins with an in-depth assessment of the admissibility and eligibility of the submitted applications. Those that meet the core admissibility and eligibility requirements will undergo a detailed assessment against the award criteria. 

The ESF+ SI+ Initiative aims to enhance social inclusion and improve employment, education, and skills outcomes across the EU by supporting transnational cooperation and the scaling up of innovative practices. This specific Call focuses on combating long-term unemployment by implementing established and promising social innovations on a larger scale. With a grant budget of 23 million EUR, the focus is on reintegrating individuals who have been unemployed for at least 12 months back into the labour market and improving their social inclusion. Applicants are required to secure at least 20% co-financing from other resources. 

We extend our gratitude to all the consortia who have participated in this Call and are actively contributing to the collective effort to improve opportunities for the long-term unemployed.  

Further stages of the LTU Call: 

  • Applications’ assessment: October 2024 – February 2025 
  • Grant agreement signature: April 2025 

European social fund agency

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