We are pleased to provide an update regarding the Call titled ‘Social Innovations for the Upskilling of Vulnerable Youth, Especially Young People not in Employment, Education, or Training (NEETs)’. This Call, which is part of the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) Social Innovation+ (SI+) Initiative, closed on March 27, 2024, and has received an enthusiastic response from across the European Union.

Key Highlights of the Submission Phase:

  • Applications received: A total of 108 proposals were submitted by the deadline, showing the significant interest and commitment across EU Member States to address the challenges faced by vulnerable youth.
  • Grant requests: The applications have collectively requested grants amounting to approximately 60.2 million EUR, far exceeding the indicative overall grant budget of 9 million EUR.
  • Geographical spread: 22 Member States actively participated in this Call with Italy leading in both the number of applications (32) and partners involved (136). This was followed by significant contributions from Lithuania and Spain, among other countries.

The evaluation process started with a thorough admissibility and eligibility assessment of all applications received. Those that meet the foundational admissibility and eligibility requirements will advance to a detailed assessment against the award criteria.

The ESF+ SI+ Initiative aims to enhance social inclusion and improve employment, education, and skills outcomes across the EU by supporting transnational cooperation and the scaling up of innovative practices. This specific Call focuses on re-engaging NEETs into learning processes and facilitating their re-integration into the labour market through innovative approaches to outreach, learning models, and skills activation. Each project, with a potential duration of up to 24 months, could compete to receive a grant ranging from 200,000 to 700,000 EUR, covering up to 80% of the total project budget. Applicants are required to secure at least 20% co-financing from other resources.

We extend our gratitude to all consortia that have participated in this call and are actively contributing to the collective effort of enhancing opportunities for Europe’s youth. Further updates on the progress of the assessment and the next steps will be communicated in due course.

European social fund agency

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