Social Innovations aimed at the young and vulnerable. The third Call for proposals by the European Competence Centre for Social Innovation has just been announced. The objective of the Call is to develop the skills of vulnerable youth and, in particular, young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs). This Call aims to encourage vibrant and full-fledged lives by providing possibilities for learning and fostering the integration of the targeted young people into the labour market. 

The estimated budget for this Call is 9 million EUR, and the indicative grant amount is expected to range from 200 000 EUR to 700 000 EUR. That can make a difference for many young lives.

Funding under this Call will be provided for projects that intend to develop or scale up innovative methods and practices that have proven successful in other contexts, countries and regions or within previous experimentations.

Miglė Aleksonytė, Head of the Project Management Group, said: “What is an established good practice in one country or region can perfectly serve as a source of innovation elsewhere. We must allow full rein to the best practices and use them to unlock the potential and opportunities for the young and vulnerable”.

Only consortia will be eligible under this Call. To be eligible, a consortium must include an applicant (Coordinator) and at least one co-applicant, each representing a different EU Member State. Each consortium must also involve at least one co-funder.

By supporting transnational cooperation, the European Competence Centre for Social Innovation aims to expand best practices across Europe, including employment, education, skills, and social inclusion.

There is a possibility to search for potential transnational partners in the Social Innovation Match (SIM) database. It was created to identify organisations whose work may serve as a source of inspiration and ensure that good ideas are visible to all.

This Call also contributes to the European Pillar of Social Rights objectives. The European Competence Centre for Social Innovation covers innovations, meaning novelty and change that potential users embrace. The outcome of innovations is the value of increased efficiency and improvement of the well-being of the most vulnerable.

The Call for Proposals is open from 10/11/2023 and closes at 5:00 PM CET on 29/02/2024.

For more relevant information, please check the Call website.

Share the Call’s information with your colleagues: download the leaflet. 


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