The Steering Committee of the EU-funded Twinning project ”Support to the Civil Service Modernization in the Republic of Moldova in line with EU best practices” has gathered for the 7th quarterly meeting. The activities jointly carried out, reform agenda on public administration, building institutional capacity of the State Chancellery as a result of its reorganization process, as well as perspectives on the partnership framework were among the tackled subjects of the meeting.

The Secretary General of the Government, Mrs Lilia Palii, expressed gratitude for the support of the European Union and Lithuanian partners, provided for the civil service modernization in Beneficiary country, informing about the decision to nominate the Deputy Secretary General of the Government, Mr Valentin Guznac, as the new Project leader. 

In his turn, Mr Alminas Maciulis, Deputy Chancellor of the Government of the Republic ofLithuania, welcomed the reforms initiated in the Republic of Moldova and reiterated the availability to further support the Twinning project implementation. The Lithuanian official has also stated that the results achieved so far bring benefits to both parties based on the knowledge and experience exchange. 

Furthermore, the activities organized within the Twinning project were analysed, such as: providing expertise in drafting legislative and normative acts, organizing training programs for civil servants from the Republic of Moldova and others. In this regard, the execution of the planned budget was discussed, concluding the saved financial resources would enable the project to organize additional activities.

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