On 15 March 2023, the admission of applications under the First Call for Proposals of ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative to support the ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) initiative was closed. Thirty-four applications have been submitted from ten countries, and the total amount of grants requested is 14.4 million Eur.

The most significant number of applications came from Italy (twelve), followed by Spain and Poland, with six and five, respectively. Two applications came from each of the following countries France, Portugal, Lithuania and Romania. Greece, Malta, and Slovakia had one application per country.

Applications will first be checked for formal requirements (admissibility and eligibility). Applications that meet the formal requirements will be assessed against the award criteria. 

This Call aims to help Member States integrate ALMA into their ESF+ programmes by piloting or scaling up ALMA operations.  

ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) is an active inclusion initiative to empower the most vulnerable young people aged 18 to 29 who are not in education, employment, or training (NEETs) by implementing a tailor-made approach to support them to find a job and integrate into society. ALMA offers these young people counselling in their home country, followed by a supervised, work-related learning experience in another EU Member State, to support their integration into their home country’s labour market and society. 

European social fund agency

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