European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, is inviting you to the “SIM induction workshop” that will take place online on 29th March 2023 (Wednesday) from 9:30 to 12:00 CET.
The SIM is a tool developed by the European Commission to promote the transfer and/or scaling-up of social innovations across Europe, that gives access to inspirational cases and connects with organizations that better address the societal challenges of today, notably in the fields of employment, education, skills and social inclusion.
This induction workshop is designed for ESF+ Committee Members and for the nominated SIM national validators to introduce the platform features and to guide and train participants on the proposed approach for validation, roles and responsibilities.
Please note that the second part of the event (from 10:50 CET) is relevant for SIM national validators only.
Please find the draft agenda HERE
To attend the meeting and receive the relevant information, we kindly ask you to register using the registration link at your earliest convenience but by Friday, 24th March COB at the latest.
Please note that registration for this event is mandatory and that you may share this invitation with relevant colleagues.
Further information, the final agenda and the joining link to the workshop will be circulated to registered participants on Monday, 27th March.
If you are not yet a member of the ESF+ Community of practice on social innovation but would like to become one, please fill in the form here.
We are here to support you, so if you have any queries concerning your participation in the meeting, please get in touch with us at:
European social fund agency
M. Katkaus str. 44, LT-09217 Vilnius
Work hours:
I-IV 8:00-17:00 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45)
V 8:00-15:45 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45)
Phone: +370 (5) 264 9340