Please follow the steps below to find related information:
STEP 1. Select the organisation you are looking for (sending/receiving/internship-providing company);
STEP 2. Select the type of organisation, country, region, etc.;
STEP 3. Use the contact details provided for further communication with the selected organisation.
Please note that the European Social Fund Agency does not screen or evaluate organisations in any way before including them in the ALMA Partner Search Database and does not vouch for their credibility. Only the organisation is responsible for the choice of partners, the implementation and the project results.
DOWNLOAD THE DATABASE (last updated May 06, 2024)
If you are not in the ALMA Partner Search Database and want to get involved, please submit your organisation information HERE
For individual questions concerning the ALMA Partner Search Database, please get in touch with the following email address:
Last modified: 2025-01-31
M. Katkaus str. 44, LT-09217 Vilnius
Company code: 192050725
Work hours:
I-IV 8:00-17:00 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).
V 8:00-15:45 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).
Phone: +370 (5) 264 9340