Innovative Approaches Tackling Long-Term Unemployment (closed)

A new Call under the ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative  

This is a Call for proposals for EU grants tackling Long-Term Unemployment under the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) Social Innovation+ (SI+) initiative. The aim of this Call is to transfer or scale up proven and promising social innovations aimed at the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market and fostering their social inclusion.

With an indicative grant budget of 23 million EUR, the transnational projects should focus on:

  • cooperation with local employment stakeholders and partnerships between local employers and communities,
  • improving the outreach of long-term unemployed people, including those facing the most barriers,
  • providing an individualised, accessible, and inclusive approach to long-term unemployed people.

Main Aspects of the Call

Here, you can find detailed information about activities, social innovations and target group.

Timeline of the Call

Duration: The expected duration of a project is 36 months.

Grant amount:

The estimated size of a grant is between EUR 1 000 000 and EUR 3 000 000 per project (but this does not preclude the submission/selection of applications requesting other amounts), constituting no more than 80% of the total project budget. A co-financing of at least 20% must thus come from other sources than the EU budget.

The form of grant: a lump sum grant.

Who can apply? 

Only consortia are eligible.

To be considered eligible, a consortium must consist of at least two legal eligible entities representing two different eligible countries, as follows: EU Member States; countries associated to the ESF+ (Iceland, Montenegro, Norway and Serbia). Among these entities at least one legal entity must demonstrate a proven track record of experience in the field of long-term unemployment. An entity may only participate as the coordinator in one consortium.

Call documents:

1. Call Conditions (amended version).

Amendments 20.09.2024

Amendments 09.08.2024

2. Annex 1 Detailed Budget Table (amended version).

How to enable macros (instruction).

How to fill in the Detailed budget table.

3. Annex 2 Grant Agreement, template.

4. Annex 3 Application Form, template.

5. Annex 4 List of Required Documents (amended version).

6. Annex 5 List of the Previous Projects, template (pdfword).

7. Annex 6 Declaration of Honour for Beneficiaries, template (ammended version).

8. Annex 7 Final Report “Lessons Learned and Future Plans”, template (pdfword).

9. Annex 8 Declaration of the Professional Competencies, template (pdfword).

How to apply 

All applications must be submitted directly online via the Portal eSINNIS ((e) Social Innovation Information System). Access to the Portal eSINNIS for submitting applications is now available!

Paper applications are not accepted.  

The applications must be submitted before the Call deadline: 2024 September 30, 5:00 PM CEST

Please note that the system will not allow you to submit an application after the deadline.

To inquire

For IT-related questions, please get in touch with

For the Call related inquiries, please get in touch with

Official Call websites

Last modified: 2025-01-31

European social fund agency

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Company code: 192050725

Work hours:
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