Participation in EU Twinning projects

Due to our extensive experience in pre-accession instruments, the supervision of Special programmes, and 3 Structural instruments periods, European Social Fund Agency has gained considerable respect from other countries and is actively sharing and cooperating with them in its practical experience and deep expertise in the field of efficient management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, administration of the Operational Human Resources Development Programme and the areas covered by European Social fund, such as learning opportunities for everyone, fostering the education system, decreasing poverty and social exclusion, fostering entrepreneurship and employment, development new generation of researchers and better public services for inhabitants.

For almost 13 years, experts from the Agency has shared their experience and provided assistance to candidate countries preparing for EU accession through the Twinning program in the following projects:


EU Twinning project GE15ENIOT0118 Capacity Building of the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia to Implement the Civil Service Reform, 2018-2020, budget 1.200.000 EUR
Beneficiary institution: Civil Service Bureau of Georgia


EU Twinning project AZ/20/ENI/SO/01/21 (AZ 59) Support to pension reform in Azerbaijan – Phase 2, 2022-2024, budget 1.500.000 EUR. Beneficiary institution: The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan

EU Twinning project AZ/16/ENI/JH/01/19(55) Strengthening the capacity of State bodies and local level referral mechanisms to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan, 2020-2022, budget 1.000.000 EUR. Beneficiary institution: The State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

EU Twinning project AZ/14/ENI/OT/01/17 Support to strengthening the higher education system in Azerbaijan, 2018-2020, budget 1.200.000 EUR
Beneficiary institution: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

EU Twinning project AZ/15/ENP/OT/40 Support to further reforms of the civil service system in Azerbaijan, 2016-2018, budget 1.200.000 EUR
Beneficiary institution: State Examination Centre of the Republic of Azerbaijan


EU Twinning project No MD14/ENP/OT18 Support to the Civil Service Modernisation in the Republic of Moldova in line with EU best practices, 2015-2017, budget 1.189.190 EUR
Beneficiary institution: State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova, Central Public Administration Reform Division


EU Twinning project No MK IPA 17 SO 01 21 Further support to the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework, 2021-2023, budget 1.500.000 EUR

EU Twinning light project No MK13/IPA/SO/02/15/TWL Strengthening the quality assurance and control of the educational system, 2016, budget 250.000 EUR
Beneficiary institution: National Examinations Centre of the Republic of Macedonia

EU Twinning light project No MK10/IB/SO/O1TWL Support to the monitoring and control of the OP HRD funded operations, 2014-2015, budget 200.000 EUR

EU Twinning light project No MK/07/IB/SO/01EU Support for the preparation of the country to manage the European Social Fund through implementation of the Human Resources Development component of IPA instrument, 2010, budget 200.000 EUR


EU Twinning light project No MN11/IB/SO/01TWL Support to the Operating Structure of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” to ensure its preparation to fulfilling the functions and responsibilities related to the management of the Operational Programme, 2013-2014, budget 200.000 EUR


EU Twinning project No KS/11/IB/OT01 Further support to Public administration reform, 2013-2014


EU Twinning project No HR/08/IB/SPP02 Enhancement of Capacity for Effective Management of EU Cohesion Policy Funds, 2011-2014, budget 2.000.000 EUR


EU Twinning project No 205/017-494-02-01 Protection of the Financial Interests of the Community and Combating Fraud, 2007-2008

Last modified: 2025-01-31

European social fund agency

M. Katkaus str. 44, LT-09217 Vilnius

Company code: 192050725

Work hours:
I-IV 8:00-17:00 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).

V 8:00-15:45 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).

Phone: +370 (5) 264 9340
