An application shall meet the operational capacity criteria set in Section 7.2 of the Call Conditions to be considered eligible.
NOTE: the operational capacity is one of the eligibility criteria. If it is not met, the application shall be deemed ineligible, no further assessment shall be undertaken, and the application will be rejected.
Under the Call on Building-up and Consolidating Capacity of NCCs, only the operational capacity of the applicant, who acts as the coordinator, will be assessed.
The coordinator must ensure the project’s successful implementation and management to be funded under the Call. Therefore, a coordinator needs to have sufficient experience in managing/coordinating transnational projects.
A self-assessment checklist is a useful tool designed to assist applicants in determining whether the experience of a coordinator of the consortium is sufficient to meet the requirements set for the operational capacity.
For the operational capacity to be deemed sufficient, the answer ‘YES’ shall be next to
a) all subpoints 1.1.1 – 1.1.3
b) next to the subpoints 2.1.1-2.1.3 and 2.2.
No |
Requirements for sufficient experience in managing/coordinating transnational consortium projects |
Reply |
Comments |
1. The Coordinator (as a legal entity) managed at least one transnational consortium project within the past five years |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
1.1 |
You have coordinated/ managed (acted as a coordinator/manager) a project which: |
1.1.1 |
– involved partners from 3 or more different Member States |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
1.1.2 |
– was implemented in the period from 2019 to 2023 |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
1.1.3 |
– lasted for 12 months or longer |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
or |
– had the total budget above 200 000 EUR |
2. The lead project manager currently employed or is planned to be employed by the coordinator and directly involved in the implementation of the project submitted under the Call, managed at least one transnational consortium project within the past five years |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
The coordinator (the lead project manager) is considered to have the operational capacity (marked – “YES”) only if the answer “Yes” is provided next to all points 2.1.1 – 2.1.3 and 2.2. Overall, the overall assessment is “NO.” |
2.1 |
The lead project manager coordinated/managed (acted as a coordinator/manager) a project which: |
2.1.1 |
– involved partners from 3 or more different Member States. |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
2.1.2 |
– was implemented in the period from 2019 to 2023 |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
2.1.3 |
– lasted for 12 months or longer |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
or |
– had the total budget above 200 000 EUR |
2.2. |
The lead project manager has a very good command (C1 level) of English. |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
According to Call Conditions, applicants, co-applicants, and associated partners must be from EU 27 Member States: “Legal entities established and registered in the Member States, which meet conditions set in Section 6.2, are eligible as applicants or co-applicants and associated partners.” (Section 6.1 of the Call conditions).
UK/Scotland or any other non-EU country cannot participate formally as an associated entity in this call.
The Coordinator fills out the application and submits it. Please note that the eSINNIS portal allows only one user to work on an application at a time.
The consortium agreement (or similar document) is not mandatory but highly recommended. It offers valuable flexibility to address unforeseen circumstances, customize grant distribution and safeguard all parties involved. Therefore, if you have bilateral agreements in place between the consortium coordinator and each partner that cover these aspects, it is considered sufficient.
The structure of each project might be different. However, there are general recommendations we advise to consider when designing work packages (WP):
All conditions and selection criteria can be found here. The key requirements that must be met are the following:
All information on submission process can be found in Chapter 5, p. 13–14 of the Call Conditions.
Application form template can be found here
List of required documents can be found here
As stated in Section 7.2 of the Call Conditions, the Coordinator must have sufficient experience in managing/coordinating transnational projects of comparable size and nature, including a comparable number and diversity of partners.
– the Coordinator (as a legal entity) managed at least 1 transnational consortium project within the past five years
– was the lead project manager (currently employed or planned to be employed by the Coordinator and directly involved in the implementation of the project submitted under the Call) and managed at least 1 transnational consortium project within the past five years.
The lead project manager is also expected to have a very good command (C1 level) of English.
Only endorsed entities (except the cases specified in Section 6.2b (iv) of the Call Conditions) are recognised as eligible applicants and co-applicants. An entity without endorsement can participate only as an associate partner.
An endorsed entity or partnership can only participate in one consortium. In case there are more than one entity endorsed by a certain Managing Authority, all of them can participate in only one and the same consortium.
The NCC does not have to be one single entity but can be formed by a partnership of several entities. If NCC’s functions are shared between different entities in a Member State it is advisable to sign a National Social Innovation Partnership Agreement, in which rules and procedures of cooperation (e.g., arrangements for governance and representation, distribution of roles and activities, joint development strategy, etc.) are specified.
The Call Conditions stipulates that to be considered eligible, a consortium must include an applicant and at least two co-applicants. The members of the consortium shall represent at least 3 different Member States.
The Call Conditions only provide minimum requirements for the composition of consortia in terms of the countries or organisations involved. The Call Conditions do not impose any maximum limits on the size of a consortium.
Please note that the requirement to have sufficient experience in managing/coordinating transnational projects of comparable size and nature, including a comparable number and diversity of partners, is relevant for the evaluation of the operational capacity of the Coordinator rather than the composition of the consortium.
Multiple organizations from a certain Member State can be endorsed, but all of them must form a part of the same consortium. Such structure is designed to ensure common and consistent activities and coordinated decisions within a Member State.
Also, please note that the content of the Endorsement letter (Members of the national partnership and their roles, will be specified in a National Social Innovation Partnership Agreement) implies that an endorsed organisation may not perform all the functions and activities of NCC, but only a certain part of them. It is up to the Managing Authority to decide the roles and functions of the endorsed entities in the composition of NCC. Managing authorities are free to delegate NCC functions to one or more organisations after considering the whole national context, needs and opportunities.
The Call Conditions do not require the experience of the project manager to be exclusively related to EU funding. However, the project manager is required to have experience as a lead project manager and management of at least 1 transnational consortium project within the past five years.
In regards to the intention to employ a project manager with the required experience, it should be noted that the intention alone is not sufficient. This follows from the list of the required documents and it cannot be fulfilled by the sole submission of a job description for the job offer. As it is specified in he Section 7.2 of the Call Conditions, the operational capacity of the Coordinator to manage the project shall be confirmed by the submission of the following supporting documents:
– Declaration of the Coordinator certifying the professional competences and appropriate qualifications of the project team to carry out the required tasks;
– General profiles (qualifications and experiences) of the staff responsible for managing a project (information shall be presented under the point 2.3 of the Application Form B);
– List of projects managed by the Coordinator within the past five years. The information presented should include the subject matter of these projects, their main activities, transnationality aspect, involvement of partners from different Member States, and the role of the Coordinator. If needed, additional supporting documents may be requested to confirm the operational capacity of the Coordinator.
The database of entities willing to participate in the search for partners is available here
Call Conditions stipulates:
According to the maximum possible duration of the project (36 months), two prefinancing instalments (plus an additional prefinancing, if any) and the final payment are planned:
In the framework of a 36-month project, the second payment will be issued following the submission and verification of the periodic report at the 18-month mark. The precise dates for payments and reporting will be clearly defined within the grant agreement for each individual project.
Where the spending of the previous prefinancing will be less than 70%, the amount of the next prefinancing payment will be reduced by the difference between the 70% ceiling and the amount used. Spending will be determined based on the completion of WPs, i.e. a WP is only considered completed when all the activities are implemented and all deliverables are achieved.
Project coordination and management activities are considered essential and cannot be subcontracted. If external expertise is needed to carry out other activities, you can procure such services by adding these costs to the budget table under the budget category ‘B.2 for other goods, works, and services’. There is no limit set for maximum service expenses.
As it is stated in the Call Conditions, the EU grant may not exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the project. A co-financing of at least 20% must thus come from other resources than the EU budget. Funds from other EU programmes cannot be used as national co-financing source.
It is also important to point out that the budget form automatically calculates the 80% EU contribution and deducts the 20% national contribution. The calculations are done for each beneficiary (individual entity) and for each of their work package.
The calculation of the EU grant amount and the own contribution is done in the evaluation phase. In the later phases, i.e. in the Grant Agreement and in the implementation of the project, only the EU grant contribution amounts will be applied.
There is no requirement to include additional provisions related to national funds in the Endorsement Letter. We strongly advise to use the Endorsement Letter form, provided as Annex 5 to the Call Conditions.
It is not possible to estimate the amount of national funding you will have to commit in advance. Once you identify your costs in the project, you will be able to estimate how much other resources other than the EU budget funding you will require for the national budget commitment.
Last modified: 2025-01-31
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