
To be recognised as an eligible applicant and co-applicant under the Call, a legal entity has to be:

  1. Established and registered in a Member State; and
  2. Endorsed by the national ESF+ Managing Authority by issuing the Endorsement letter (template)An entity without endorsement can participate only as an associate partner.

National ESF+ Managing Authorities are strongly recommended to consult the respective ESF+ body (-ies) managing the SI priority (-ies) under ESF+ shared management during the selection process.

The endorsement shall include the confirmation that an entity/partnership is also entrusted to act as a national competence centre for social innovation, notably to support innovative projects and public authorities under the ESF+.

The Endorsement letter shall be signed by the full member of the ESF+ Committee.

  • Under this Call, the national ESF+ Managing Authority is represented as a full Member of the ESF+ Committee at the time of publication of the Call.
  • The names of ESF+ Committee Members for the respective country can be found HERE.
  • In case issues in reaching the national ESF+ Managing Authority are encountered, we recommend contacting the ESF+ Committee Secretariat via EMPL-ESF-COMMITTEE@ec.europa.eu.

NOTE: To facilitate finding partners and forming consortia, responsible ESF+ Managing Authorities are invited to submit Endorsement Letters by 16 October 2023  via email at NCC@esf.lt, and inform the endorsed entities about their decision.


Organization Type of organization, previous experience, expertise Contact Preferable role in the consortium
AVISE Avise has been endorsed by the French ESF Managing Authority to act as the national competence centre for social innovation since the former NCC call VP/2020/010.

Following this Call, Avise joined the “BuiCaSuS” consortium, which gathers France, Latvia, Spain, and Sweden. This fruitful 2-year collaboration produced various deliverables, which can be found here, including national roadmaps for NCCSIs.

It can be noted that Avise has been supporting social innovation and the social economy at the national level for the last 20 years, including through its missions as an ESF Intermediate Body since 2004.


Alexis Bouges


Mickaël Barth


Tel.: 01 53 25 02 25

Applicant (Coordinator)
General Directorate of Family Diversity and Social Services – Ministry of Social Rights and 2030  Agenda The General Directorate of Family Diversity and Social Services is the management body of the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, which is attached to the State Secretariat for Social Rights.

In the previous Call, this organization led the “BuiCaSuS” consortium in partnership with France, Lithuania and Sweden. It developed a network of collaboration with social innovation entities at different levels in Spain. It designed the roadmap for the constitution of the Centre of Competencies for Social Innovation in Spain.

The organization has its social innovation platform that brings together more than 170 third-sector organizations and regional and municipal public administrations around 20 social innovation pilot projects financed by the EU Next Generation funds.


Social innovation platform website:


Berta González Antón 


Tel.: +34 639 119 329

Grupul de Consultanță pentru Dezvoltare DCG SRL (fonduri-structurale.ro) The organization created the Romanian NCC under the former VP/2020/010 call.

The organization was part of the “SEED – Social Innovation Ecosystem Development” project financed under this Call through which the NCC was created in Italy, Greece, Slovenia and Romania.

The organization has experience in supporting social innovators through accelerators, ecosystem-building activities (the consolid8 festival in Brașov, Romania), access to financing (crowdfunding & ESF grants) and is the national Easi contact point. The organization is working towards integrating social innovation actors in traditional innovation ecosystems together with 7 international partners.


Raluca Prelucă


Tel.: +40 725 072 533

Shipyard foundation Shipyard Foundation was established in 2009. Its main functions are the following:

  • Design and implementation of its own social innovations, i.e., naprawmyto.plwww.silowniapamieci.pl,
  • Supporting social innovators and the development of their innovations, i.e., since 2016, Shipyard has been running one of the social innovation incubators in Poland on social inclusion (funded by ESF); since 2022, the Business Unusual programme aimed at social enterprises run by people with migrant or refugee experience (supported by Google.org)
  • Supporting the development of the social innovation ecosystem in Poland (i.e., organises networking events, trainings, seminars, runs a portal and social innovation database innowacjespoleczne.pl)

In a former NCC call, VP/2020/010 Shipyard Foundation was a part of the ESIA project.


Zofia Komorowska


Tel.: +48 608 197 616

Malmö University To be updated To be updated
City of Torino Lead partner of the SEED project (call for proposals VP/2020/010) http://www.comune.torino.it/

SEED project:


Fabrizio Barbiero




Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Partner of the SEED project (call for proposals VP/2020/010) https://www.unibo.it/it

Giulio Ecchia


EURICSE Partner of the SEED project (call for proposals VP/2020/010) https://euricse.eu/

Gianluca Salvatori


Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini srl SB Partner of the SEED project (call for proposals VP/2020/010) www.fondazionebrodolini.it/en

Patrizia Saroglia


Politecnico di Milano Partner of the SEED project (call for proposals VP/2020/010) www.polimi.it

Francesca Rizzo


Politecnico di Torino Partner of the SEED project (call for proposals VP/2020/010) www.polito.it

Paolo Landoni


Finish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) coordinates the activities of Innovillage, which is an open innovation community and digital platform supporting co-creation and social innovations.

Innovillage has 15 years of experience and expertise in supporting co-creation and social innovations.

During the former NCC call, VP/2020/010 Finland, as a partner of the PEnCIL consortium, prepared an operational model for NCC, which THL/Innovillage is currently piloting and taking into practice together with national innovation ecosystem actors.

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL): https://thl.fi/en/web/thlfi-en



Sari Eskelinen


Hanne Savolainen



ACT Grupa ACT Grupa is an association with many years of experience in encouraging sustainable business practices. It aims to strengthen the position of social and impact entrepreneurship, fosters the development of sustainable and innovative solutions in Croatia and beyond, promotes cooperation between social enterprises and corporations and provides support in building sustainable and prosperous business models.

ACT Grupa founded 10 social enterprises (companies for work integration), launched and managed the first consortium of social enterprises in Croatia and currently gathers 80+ organizations in the social economy and 50+ impact companies. The Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is the youngest support program in ACT Grupa, and it offers mentoring services for the development of innovative services as well as support for innovators in the realization of ideas through the incubation program. CSI of the ACT Grupa is a part of the D-Care labs network in 9 countries of the Danube region and a member of various networks at the European level (EUCLID, ENSIE, DIESIS) and global networks (SVI, WSA).


Jelena Pavlović 


Tel.: + 385 99 2591661

Ekonomski fakultet – Zagreb The Faculty of Economics – Zagreb is the oldest institution of higher education in the field of economics and business economics in the Republic of Croatia, and it represents the leading and largest institution of economic education in the Republic of Croatia and the wider region. The 260 professors, assistant professors and associates of The Faculty of Economics – Zagreb, in addition to teaching, also participate in various research projects. Some of the projects focused on social innovation are known at the European level, such as the following: “Building universities of the future through social innovation education”, “Promoting social entrepreneurship in higher education for a prosperous society”, “Integrating Nature-Based Solutions into Higher Education towards exploiting the transformative potential of Social Economy for a green and inclusive future”; “Reflect with knowledge – start a community”. The Zagreb Faculty of Economics holds the national accreditation, signed by the Agency for Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Science and Education, and the following three renowned international accreditations: EQUIS and AACSB Business accreditation at institution level and EFMD Program Accreditation for the university study program in the Bachelor Degree in Business English. The Faculty of Economics – Zagreb is the only institution of higher education in the Republic of Croatia accredited by EQUIS, the most prestigious worldwide accreditation. www.efzg.unizg.hr

Zoran Wittine  



Tel:+ 385 1 238 3350

+ 385 1 238 3378

Razvonja agencija Grada Novske NORA Razvojna agencija Grada Novske NORA is an institution established by the City of Novska to support the overall development of the city with the special goal of stimulating economic growth and development. NORA has a team of people who have many years of experience in the preparation and implementation of national and EU projects, creation of business plans, strategic documents, investment studies, branding of products or services, marketing activities and education of entrepreneurs. NORA prepares and implements projects of local importance for the City of Novska and institutions and business entities from the City area. Also, NORA has long-term cooperation with the Udruga mladih Novska by providing support in the writing and implementation of the projects. www.novska.hr

Vida Iličić 


Tel.: +385 98 438 454

Ugruda mladih Novska and Hashnet d.o.o. Udruga mladih Novska, through 18 years of work and implementation of activities in the city of Novska and its surroundings, has organized various events and manifestations, applied and implemented numerous projects to improve the knowledge and quality of life of the young people in the area of ​​the city of Novska. Udruga mladih Novska, in the incubator for social innovations, conducts activities in terms of workshops and education such as podcast recording, live streaming, video editing, music recording, professional counselling and informing young people, photo editing etc. STEM laboratory was equipped and arranged through the NOVsky project, where education and workshops in the STEM field are held with the aim of popularizing science and art and encouraging young people to develop innovations and ideas. Also, this year, Udruga mladih Novska organized the fourth festival of science and art to popularize STEM, and it was attended by more than 4,000 students from all over the Republic of Croatia. Through the project, a social enterprise for the reuse of wood and wooden objects – Drvni Centre was established to encourage young people to develop entrepreneurship and innovation and to raise awareness of environmental protection and the importance of sustainable development. www.umn.hr

Tijana Šapina 


Hashnet d.o.o. Hashnet d.o.o. in the past years cooperated with the company Hashnet d.o.o. from Slovenia and thus indirectly collaborated in the following several projects:

SEED – From May 2021 to May 2023, it was aimed at developing an ecosystem for social innovation. The key contribution of Hashnet d.o.o. within this project was the creation of the DISI-Lab platform – a digital laboratory for social innovations which represents a pioneering step in digitization and the promotion of social innovations in Slovenia and Europe. Hashnet d.o.o. participates in projects in the field of social innovation and digital solutions that enable social innovation.

AI&GAMING EDIH JURK also participates in the European Digital Innovation Hubs project, in which it offers digitalization services in the field of blockchain technologies for the public and private sectors that enable the development of digital solutions as a tool for social innovation.

Hashnet d.o.o. is a project partner on several projects such as Think XR. The central vision of this project is the development of a curriculum for the use of XR technologies in the field of education and their application in the economic sector; the DOME (Distributed open marketplace for Europe) project which is financed from the Digital Europe program and will develop an online platform in the form of a marketplace of digital services for the single European market; The VECTOR project takes place in the Digital Europe program, which develops solutions for the digital identity of natural and legal persons.


Tadej Slapnik


Tel.: +386 31 348 930

Rethink To be updated To be updated
Genio To be updated To be updated
Social Impact The Germany ESF Managing Authority has officially designated Social Impact as the national competence centre for social innovation since the VP/2020/010 NCC call.

After this Call, Social Impact took the helm of the “ESIA – European Social Innovation Alliance” consortium, comprising partners from Denmark, Poland, Estonia, the UK, and Germany. Throughout a productive two-year partnership, we generated a range of outputs, notably including a National Strategy for Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship.

Since 1999, Social Impact gGmbH has gained a wide range of experience in EU funding programs and has worked with various German states and the federal government in ESF-funded programs. In addition, Social Impact has also implemented measures directly supported by the European Union (Erasmus, EaSi, EFRE, etc.)


Sven Zivanovic




TU Dortmund University To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
IAT of the University of Gelsenkirchen University To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Centre for Social Investment of the University of Heidelberg To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Financial Agency for Social Entrepreneurship GmbH (FASE) To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany e.V. (SEND) To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Federal Association of Diakonie To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Diakonisches Werk Schleswig-Holstein Landesverband der Inneren Mission e.V To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
WiderSense GmbH To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education SYNTHESIS participated in the FUSE consortium on the previous Call for NCCSI.

Through its previous experience, it managed to complete a national mapping report and create the blueprint for establishing the NCCSI.


Andri Kyriacou 


Centre for Social Innovation Social Enterprise www.csicy.com

Sotiris Themistokleous 


Center Noordung SEED consortium partner (call for proposals VP/2020/010) www.center-noordung.si

Tanja Tamse


Technološki park Ljubljana d.o.o Innovation community, business support, DIGI-SI project. It aims to accelerate digital transformation in various fields to achieve prosperity and a better EU future and other projects. https://www.tp-lj.si/en/projects

Ales Pevc


Hashnet d.o.o SEED consortium partner (call for proposals VP/2020/010) Tadej Slapnik


Impact hub Lubljana and  BCC d.o.o Impact Hub Ljubljana is a community of social entrepreneurs and innovators dedicated to creating positive change in our world. It provides a co-working space and accelerator for entrepreneurs who want to make a positive impact through their work.

Impact Hub Ljubljana owns the Social Impact Award and is dedicated to other different activities as well.


Jan Peloza


Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska – BSC, Business Support Centre L.t.d., Kranj Finance4SocialChange project (Interreg Danube) and many other SI-related projects www.bsc-kranj.si

Franja Gabrovsek Schmidt franja.gabrovsek.schmidt@bsc-kranj.si 

Eötvös Loránd University / National Laboratory for Social Innovation To be updated To be updated
National Foundation of Civil Society To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Tallinn University To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Tartu University To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Estonian Social Enterprise Network To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
The Development Centre of Võru County To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Good Deed Foundation To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Social Innovation Lab To be updated To be updated Co-applicant
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment Directorate DSU/department UVB from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment is the management authority of ESF+. First time participating in this NCC call. https://www.uitvoeringvanbeleidszw.nl

 Gerard Slotema 


Tel.: +31 6 11323753



Sociale InnovatieFabriek Sociale InnovatieFabriek vzw (SIF) is the only entity applying for the Social Innovation Competence Center (SINCC) in Flanders/Belgium. SIF supports social innovation in various contexts and is a network organization for social innovation. In the previous track, ‘HUBSI’ (‘Hub for Social Innovation’) – together with Europe WSE- SIF consulted and brought together nearly 100 stakeholders in different focus groups and during other co-creation moments. HUBSI was the Flemish project from the PENCIL consortium under the previous Call. So, although SIF is the sole entity, several stakeholders want and will be involved as ‘associated partners’. https://www.socialeinnovatiefabriek.be/over-ons

Tomas De Groote tomas@socialeinnovatiefabriek.be

Caroline Godts Caroline@socialeinnovatiefabriek.be



Danish Social Innovation Academy The Danish Social Innovation Academy has been endorsed by the Danish ESF Managing Authority to act as the national competence centre for social innovation since the former NCC Call VP/2020/010.

Following this Call, the Academy joined the “ESIA” consortium, which includes Estonia, Germany, Poland, and the UK. The two-year collaboration produced various deliverables, which can be found here.

The organization is a social innovation platform that brings together almost 100 leaders from different sectors to create social change. The organization has experience in supporting social innovators, for example, by mapping the ecosystem and its barriers and support structures.

Danish Social Innovation Academy website:


National Competence Centre website:


Anders Folmer Buhelt 


Tel.: +45 28956627

Clara Dawe 


Tel.: +45 24218595

L&R Sozialforschung GmbH L&R is a private research institute with profound expertise in ESF and Social Innovation. L&R was Lead Partner for SI Plus in cooperation with Arbeit plus the Austrian network of 200 social enterprises.

New partners in Austria are Dialog Plus – the Office for participation and Social Innovation, the Centre for Social Innovation, a private non-profit institute for applied social sciences and the Social Entrepreneurship Center as an academic contact point at the Vienna University of Economics and Business for social entrepreneurs and actors of said ecosystem.


Barbara Willsberger 





Kompetenzzentrum für Nonprofit Organisationen und Social Entrepreneurship – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien To be updated www.wu.ac.at/en/sec/

Reinhard Millner 


ZSI – Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH To be updated www.zsi.at

Barbara Glinsner 


Dialog Plus e.U. To be updated www.dialogplus.at

Jakob Winkler 


Arbeit plus – Soziale Unternehmen Österreich To be updated www.arbeitplus.at

Clara Moder 


Directorate for Social and Solidarity Economy of the Secretariat-General for Social Solidarity and Combating Poverty of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family Public Law Body www.kalo.gov.gr

Department for SSE Policies – Directorate for SSE

Panagou Angeliki


Tel.: +30 2103256485

Agricultural University of Athens (research Committee) Public Law Body www.aua.gr (http://www.elke.aua.gr/)

Yiorgos Alexopoulos 

Tel.: +30 2105294894


National SI Partnership Coordinator


Evangelos Sakellariou


Tel.: +30 2441042363

Electra Energy Cooperative Energy Community electraenergy.coop  

Dimitris Kitsikopoulos


Tel.: +30 6973957010


Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) Organisations’ Association of the South Aegean Assoviation of SSE Organistations Petros Freris 


Tel.: +30 6936459030

HIGGs (Higher Incubator Giving Growth & Sustainability Non-profit civil organisation/AMKE higgs3.org/en/

Alexandra Emirza 


Tel.: +30 2114116300


KOLLEKTIVA FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION AND CULTURE Non-profit civil organisation/AMKE thekollektiva.org/ 

Amalia Zepou 


People’s University of Social Solidarity Economy (UnivSSE Coop) Social Coop www.univsse.gr

Konstantinos Nikolaou


Tel.: +30 6944680436

LDK Socioeconomic Development Consultants Private Company/IKE www.ldk.gr/sectors/socioeconomic-development 

Marianna Kondilidou 


Tel.: +30 210 8196741

P2P Lab – RESEARCH ORGANISATION FOR THE COMMONS AND PEER-TO-PEER PRACTICES Non-profit civil organisation/AMKE www.p2plab.gr/en/ 

Nikiforos Tsiouris 


Tel.: +30 6949302086

Associated partner
Cohesion and Development Agency I.P. with Portugal Social Innovation The Cohesion and Development Agency I.P. (AD&C) is the Portuguese public entity with the mission of coordinating both the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and the Regional Development Policy for Portugal, member of the ESF+ Committee, responsible for the financial and operational management of Portugal Social Innovation Mission Unit (PIS) since 2014.

PIS is the public policy initiative created within the programming period 2014-2020 to promote social innovation (SI) and develop the social investment market in Portugal. With an initial allocation of around EUR 150 million from the ESF, as part of the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, it was responsible for experimenting new financing instruments aligned with the life cycle of SI projects, designed to support the development and scaling of new solutions for social problems, complementing more traditional and conventional ones. PIS created four financing instruments to address the specific financing needs of innovative social organisations and social entrepreneurs, assuming the active involvement of public and private investors in the process as partners, contributing to the economic and financial sustainability of the projects, generally designated as Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives (SISEI). PIS mandate was renewed in June 2023 to support the implementation of the ESF+ SI priority under the coordination of the five continental regional operational programmes and channel funds of around 100 million EUROS, complemented by social investment, for social innovation projects promoted by the social economy different actors (non-for profit and for profit). This time there will be five financing instruments using simplified cost options, social outcomes contracting and finance not linked to costs.

AD&C & PIS are both responsible for the NCCSI and EaSI NCP activities since the beginning of the pilot phases 2021 and 2022, respectively.


Vera Egreja Barracho


Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

(ESF/ESF+ Managing Authority)

The Social Innovation Unit of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has been entrusted with the implementation of the Social Innovation priority of the Employment/Employment Plus Operational Programs since 2014. The SI Unit issues calls for proposals, organizes selection of projects, provides consultations to applicants, supports project promoters, organizes events focused on raising awareness of social innovations, available methods and tools. It collaborates with non-profit organizations, public administration and academia to develop the ecosystem of social innovations. It is well recognized organization in Czechia (and abroad) and biggest supporter of social innovations in CZ. Since 2021, the SI Unit assumes the function of the competence centre for social innovation.

Within the previous call the efforts of the Competence centre were focused primarily on capacity building, dissemination of good practice and linking stakeholders to collaborate on cross-cutting solutions.  The activities were tailored to a diverse range of stakeholders, primarily including staff from public administration departments involved in social inclusion and employment areas, NGOs and social innovators.


Jana Jirků – director of EU Funds Implementation Dept. – Social Innovation and Equal Opportunities,

+420 950195710;  jana.jirku@mpsv.cz;

Markéta Pěchoučková, head of SI Unit and NCC,

+420 950195722; marketa.pechouckova@mpsv.cz

Society Integration Foundation The Society Integration Foundation (hereinafter – SIF) is a legal person of the public law (public foundation) which is established by law in 2001. One of the overall objectives of the SIF is to financially support and promote social cohesion.

SIF took part in former NCC call VP/2020/010 as a partner within BuiCaSuS consortium   strengthening its capacity in the field of social innovation, including ecosystem mapping, scaling-up and developing a analytical grid for the NCC blueprint and NCC strategy.  SIF facilitated stakeholder meetings, identified existing and needed support for the development of the SI ecosystem. SIF was involved in development of new innovative services, providing also support for piloting. The report on BuiCaSuS results and the blueprint of the NCC were prepared and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. Based on that SIF was entrusted with NCC function.


Sanita Lace


+371 29923080

The Ministry of Welfare Ministry of Welfare (MoW) is the managing State administration institution in the field of labour, social protection, child and family rights, as well as policy for equal opportunities of disabled persons and gender equality. MoW has key role in promoting social innovation in welfare sector. www.lm.gov.lv

Vjačeslavs Makarovs

+371 67782958


Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL) is a non-governmental membership organisation with an aim to promote the development of social entrepreneurship in Latvia.

SEAL is responsible for the overall development and promotion of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Latvia, the representation of social entrepreneurship interests and capacity building of member organizations, the promotion of knowledge, skills and public information on social entrepreneurship. SEAL develops social entrepreneurship for long-term change in Latvia.

As a member of international networks, such as ENSIE, Euclid Network and DIESIS, SEAL is participating in strengthening social economy sector accross Europe.


Regita Zeiļa,


+371 27775952

Ministry for the Economy European Funds and Lands, Malta Co-applicant
Ministry of Labour Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic Co-applicant
Ministry of Labour Co-applicant


Last modified: 2025-01-31

European social fund agency

M. Katkaus str. 44, LT-09217 Vilnius

Company code: 192050725

Work hours:
I-IV 8:00-17:00 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).

V 8:00-15:45 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).

Phone: +370 (5) 264 9340

Email: info@esf.lt