A new Call under the ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative
The new open Call under the ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative aims at building up and consolidating the capacity of National competence centres for social innovation (NCCs). It builds on the lessons learnt and the developments triggered in most Member States by the previous Call, published in 2020 – Competence Centres for Social Innovation (VP/2020/010).
With an estimated budget of 8 MEUR, the funding will be provided for 6-8 transnational mutual learning projects focusing on:
It is expected that NCCs will develop more sustainable structures and relationships and be engaged in systematic cooperation, capacity building and mutual learning.
Main aspects of the Call
Timeline of the Call
Duration: The indicative duration of a project should be up to 36 months.
Grant amount: The indicative expected size of the grant is 500 000 – 1 500 000 EUR per project (but this does not preclude the submission/selection of applications requesting other amounts).
Who can apply?
Only consortia are eligible.
To be considered eligible, a consortium must include an applicant and at least two co-applicants. The members of the consortium shall represent at least 3 different Member States.
An endorsement is required to participate in this Call. For details, see Chapter 6 of the Call Conditions.
Call documents:
1. Call Conditions (amended version)
2. Annex 1_Detailed Budget Table (How to enable macros)
How to fill in the Detailed budget table
3. Annex 2_ Grant Agreement, template
4. Annex 3_ Application, template
How to fill in Application form – structure, design, forms, tips for applicants
5. Annex 4 _List of Required Documents
6. Annex 5_Letter of Endorsement, template
7. Annex 6_ List of the Previous Projects, template PDF, WORD
How to apply
All applications must be submitted directly online via Portal eSINNIS (Social Innovation Information System)
Step 1
Here you can find the Video tutorial How to access the eSINNIS
Step 2
Paper applications are not accepted.
The applications must be submitted before the Call deadline of 18/12/2023 at 5:00 PM CET (New deadline).
Please note that the system will not allow to submit an application after the deadline.
To inquire
For IT-related questions, please get in touch with IThelp@esf.lt
For the Call related inquiries, please contact NCC@esf.lt
Last modified: 2025-01-31
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