We are pleased to invite you to the Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills online Peer review on managing and financing cooperation between Public employment Services (PES) and NGOs which will take place on the 14th of May 2024 (Tuesday) from 9:30 to 12:00 CET.
This event aims to explore and showcase efficient management and finance tools that enable PES to engage NGOs as service providers. NGOs may support public agencies (PES or municipalities) in serving vulnerable groups in several ways: increase outreach, broaden the range of specialised services, inspire innovation, or help to overcome limited institutional capacities. The collaboration between public agencies and NGOs plays a pivotal role in delivering effective employment services to vulnerable groups.
The Peer Review will showcase three inspiring practices from Austria, Belgium and Slovenia. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to engage in insightful discussions and network with professionals and experts from public agencies and NGOs.
Please find the draft agenda attached.
To attend the meeting and receive the relevant information, we kindly ask you to register using the registration link by Tuesday 7 May, COB.
Please note that registration for this event is mandatory, but you may share this invitation with relevant colleagues.
Further information, final agenda and joining link to the webinar will be circulated no later than Monday, 13th of May.
We are here to support you, so if you have any queries concerning your participation in the meeting, please contact us at: cop@esf.lt
European social fund agency
M. Katkaus str. 44, LT-09217 Vilnius
Company code: 192050725
Work hours:
I-IV 8:00-17:00 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).
V 8:00-15:45 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).
Phone: +370 (5) 264 9340
Email: info@esf.lt