The official launch of the ESF+ SI+ initiative and the European Competence Centre for Social Innovation (hereinafter – the Centre) will be held during the 21st annual European Week of Regions and Cities event in Brussels. The launching session will take place on 10 October 2023,10:30 – 10:45 (CEST) at the SQUARE Brussels Convention Centre, Agora 1.

This session seeks to raise awareness about the added value that the Centre will create and highlight opportunities for social innovation stakeholders. The Centre aims to facilitate and boost the transfer and upscaling of innovative solutions and tools across the EU by launching transnational calls, sharing knowledge and expertise, and organising transnational networking and cooperation in the fields of employment, education, skills, social inclusion, social innovation, material support and migrant integration.

The registration page is available here and will be active until Saturday, 30 September. Registration is mandatory as the session will not be available online. The maximum number of attendees is 60.

The 21st European Week of Regions and Cities program is available here. Should you have any questions, please contact

European social fund agency

M. Katkaus str. 44, LT-09217 Vilnius

Company code: 192050725

Work hours:
I-IV 8:00-17:00 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).

V 8:00-15:45 (Lunch break 12:00-12:45).

Phone: +370 (5) 264 9340
