Applicants are not consulted by phone in order to ensure the principle of equal treatment of applicants. For individual questions concerning the Portal, please contact the IT Helpdesk: Non-IT related questions should be sent to the following email address: For the purposes of transparency, relevant answered queries will be added to FAQ page.
The information session was followed by a survey where participants could provide their contact details and information on the possibility of being a host or sending organisation. If you have not filled in the feedback form, please submit your contact details to
The partners’ database will be published in Excel on the ESFA website.
To achieve equality of counselling for all applicants, all questions received by are published at
Suppose your organisation is already validated by the Central Validation Service, and you have a Participant Identification Code (PIC), which could be found in the register containing all participants of EU programmes. In that case, you don’t need to submit the organisation’s registration certificate.
If the Central Validation Service does not validate you, please provide the documents proving your organisation’s legal status.
Call conditions you can find here: Call Documents | European social fund agency (
All support for applicants you can find: Support to applicants | European social fund agency (
We would like to inform you that the ALMA Call for Proposals is managed exclusively by the European Social Fund Agency and that we do not have separate contact points in Portugal. We are the contact point for all enquiries, and should you have any questions about the ALMA Call, please get in touch with us (we strongly recommend that you submit your questions in English).
We would also like to inform you that we do not have separate information sessions for applicants by country or language.
Also, you can find the video of the information session in English we prepared on our website
For an explanation of the call documents in Portuguese, you may contact the EaSI contact point in Portugal
The information session was followed by a survey where participants could provide their contact details and information on the possibility of being a host or sending organisation. If you have not filled in the feedback form, please submit your contact details to
Partners’ database will be published in Excel format on the ESFA website.
We will also shortly publish a list of organisations looking for partners on the ESFA website. Follow our news here
Also, the previous TLN Mobility program Partner Search Database could be helpful for you. Please check kthe information here
Currently, it is impossible to add other users to the Application you have created. The Application can only be accessed using your user credentials.
We recommend uploading them as Excel tables.
The purpose of this Call is to help Member States integrate ALMA into their ESF+ programs, by piloting or scaling up ALMA-type operations. Close cooperation with the Managing Authority is essential to properly plan the inclusion of ALMA-type operations in national programmes. Thus, a project where the applicant or partner is the Managing authority is considered to be of higher quality and is therefore awarded 10 points under the criterion “Quality of the national network”.
At the end of the Implementation phase a final report “Lessons learned and future plans” shall be prepared. The Managing Authority should play a key role in the preparation of the “Future plans” section of the Final Report. The Managing Authority shall also be responsible for sustainability of project results after the project lifetime.
There is no maximum number of applications per country. However, the aim of the Call is to support projects within all Member States. In order to ensure that ALMA is implemented in as many Member States as possible, the award procedure will be competitive, but will also involve geographical criteria. The selection will be organised in rounds. In each round, the best (top-ranked) eligible project from each Member State will be selected. Thus, the applicants must try to score as many points as possible in order to get to the top-ranked applications. A project where the applicant or partner is the Managing authority or Implementing body is considered to be of higher quality and is therefore awarded 10 points under the criterion “Quality of the national network”. Applicants are therefore encouraged to enter into a partnership with the Managing or Implementing institution piloting the ALMA programme.
Please note that the information on submitted applications and selected projects will be published on the ESFA’s and the European Commission ESF+ website.
Criteria for the organizations who can be supported by this Call are set out on Call Conditions chapter No. 2.2 “The ALMA Call is open to legal entities (public or private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States. If your organisation is already validated by the Central Validation Service, and you have a Participant Identification Code , which could be found in the register containing all participants of EU programmes, you don’t need to submit the organisation’s registration certificate. If you are not validated by the Central Validation Service, please provide the documents proving your organisation’s legal status and origin as an Annex to the Application.”
According to the Call Conditions there is no specific recuirements for the Applicant.
All possible Applicants that plan to participate in this Call may include a Managing authority or Intermediate body as a Beneficiary or a Partner.
Applicants who have already implemented ALMA type projects in 2014-2020 programming period are invited to apply their experience in implementing ALMA-type actions on a larger scale in the projects of this Call, e.g., if the piloting has been carried out at local level only, the project can be implemented at regional or national level. The lessons learnt can also be applied to a project with the most vulnerable young people. In the application, we invite you to disclose how the proposed project complements existing projects implemented by the applicant or partners, and what is the intended added value of the project.
We recommend that the institutions that will form the project partnership are identified before application submission, so that tasks and responsibilities can be properly allocated, and the staff of those institutions that will be involved in the implementation of the project activities can be properly allocated. The information provided in the application will enable the experts to assess the quality of the project partnership. However, if the applicant is not able to identify in the application the specific institution that will carry out a specific task, only the scope of the organisation and the expertise required to carry out the project task can be indicated in the application. The applicant must ensure that the partner to be contracted during the Start-up phase has the relevant experience.
If partnerships agreements are signed before the application submission the project can be started with the Implementation phase. The maximum duration of the Implementation phase is 14 months.
Section 8.3 of the Call conditions provides that in certain cases, for objective reasons which could not be foreseen by the Beneficiary at the time of the submission and appraisal of the Application, the time limit for the implementation of the project activities may be extended, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 36 of the Grant Agreement, but for not more than 6 months.
There is no criterion that would preclude an organisation with religious values from applying.
The Call Conditions do not require either the applicant or the partners of the project to have participated or to be involved in the ESF+. The call is open to all legal entities (public or private bodies) established in the EU Member States.
According to Call Conditions chapter 2.3 “Scope, financed activities, target group, and expected results” during follow-up activities after the stay abroad the Beneficiary should support NETTs integration into education, training, or employment.
Please note that if your application foresees a certain percentage of participants entering employment or training after the mobility (success rate) , the top-up for successful participants will only be paid if the conditions set out in the application are fulfilled (were employed or started education).
According to Call Conditions, City council can apply for ALMA, as ALMA Call is open to legal entities (public or private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States.
Under this Call, all projects must establish operational partnerships with at least one Partner from another Member State. You can find a partner before submitting your application or this activity could take place in Start-up Phase. The Deliverable for this activity – Signed Memorandum of Understanding (Partnership Agreement) between the Beneficiary and the lead Partner organisation from the receiving country (transnational Partner). Key aspects which the partnership agreement must cover are indicated in the Call Conditions, section 2.3.
Deadline for application is 15-03-2023 17:00 CET. You must submit an application and mandatory annexes, via portal eSinnis. For more information, please, visit
Projects submitted under this Call should target NEETs who have difficulties accessing work or training for individual or structural reasons (e.g., disability, long-term unemployment, insufficient school performance or vocational skills, migration background, etc.). Each project should include a minimum of 2 groups of 8- 12 young people to be sent to placements in another Member State.
According to the Call Conditions, there is no requirement, for Public Employment Service to participate in the project. The applicant can decide which organisations to involve in the partnership in order to make relevant skills, experience, and expertise available to ensure that different activities can be carried out efficiently and effectively.
Section 2.2 of the Call conditions provides information on potential Beneficiaries and Partners.
Under this Call, all projects must establish operational partnerships with at least one Partner from another Member State.
The placements of young people can be organised in one or several receiving countries, simultaneously or in sequence. Each project should include a minimum of 2 groups of 8- 12 young people to be sent to placements in another Member State.
Every participant in a placement will require some degree of foreign-language capability. An individual learning and development plan will be drawn up based on the participant’s knowledge, skills, competences and needs. More information on participants’ learning/development plan, self-assessment, and other participants’ preparatory activities you can find in ALMA manual.
To calculate the cost of participants’ preparatory activities, you need to estimate their duration- the number of hours per person. You do not have to name the specific training/learning activities or individual consultations in your application, as the content of these activities will depend on the individual learning and development plans drawn up.
The Beneficiary will sign the Grant agreement, and all related costs will be reimbursed to the Beneficiary. Partner(-s) costs are possible, but the Beneficiary will be responsible for payment and reimbursement. Also, the Beneficiary should be a sending organisation.
The ALMA Call is open to legal entities (public or private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States. The UK would not be an eligible Beneficiary or partner.
The ALMA Call is open to legal entities (public or private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States. Kosovo would not be an eligible Beneficiary.
Yes, a partner can be somebody who is not a member of a Partner Data Base.
No, it is not mandatory, but it is recommended to involve national partners with different profiles to ensure the necessary capacity and expertise.
The Start-up phase is dedicated to building partnerships and defining roles, responsibilities, and duties of actors within a Member State/region, as well as signing the memorandum(s) of understanding with project partners. Still, we recommend selecting national partners and discussing their roles and responsibilities with them before submitting your application.
The ALMA programme aims to (re)integrate young people into the labour market or to get them back into education, but in the context of this call; the aim is also to pilot the ALMA programme, to gain experience, lessons learned and to make plans for integration the ALMA programme in their ESF+ programmes.
The project’s Start-up phase is for building transnational partnerships with relevant actors in at least one receiving Member State (identifying needs and expectations, finding, and contacting potential Partners, arranging initial meetings with them, establishing a transnational relationship, preparing specific mobility plans). But we highly recommend finding it before applying since this could influence the project budget.
The Call Conditions do not specify how many national partners the Beneficiary has to cooperate with. It is recommended to involve national partners with different profiles to ensure the necessary capacity and expertise.
There is no restriction that the Beneficiary can only participate in the ALMA initiative as a sending organisation. The Beneficiary may accept participants from organisations in other countries.
Yes, a project may have more than one transnational partner in the same or different foreign country. The number of partners depends on the number of NEETs’ groups.
Only organisations acting as sending organisations may submit Applications according to the Call Conditions. The applicant must demonstrate the sufficient operational capacity to implement the project.
According to the Call Conditions, opening a physical office is not foreseen as an eligible activity. The scope of the project is to pilot the ALMA programme. All eligible activities are indicated in the Call Conditions, Section 2.3.
Please note that the mobility must take place in a foreign country.
You can arrange for an accompanying person during the mobility, taking into account the special needs of the participants (e.g. disabilities). The related expenditures (e.g., assistance during the placement) are eligible, but please note that the implementation phase’s preparation, mobility and follow-up phases must be calculated per the ALMA Delegated Act.
This requirement is applied to all beneficiaries from the Member States (MS) or regions with previous experience.
MS/regions that have implemented ALMA-type projects between 2014 and 2020 already have experience and lessons learnt from the pilot of the ALMA programme (we hope that experience has been shared after the pilots on a national or a regional level). Given this, we are setting requirements for applicants from those MS/regions to demonstrate an added value of the project compared to the previous experience, e.g. we encourage applicants to choose the target group of the most vulnerable NEETs or to scale up the ALMA programme on a larger scale etc.
Please consider that the maximum possible grant is 650 000 Eur per project, and the duration of the Implementation phase is 14 months, so you should not exceed planned activities. As a reminder, eligible activities in the implementation phase are 1. Preparation: selection of NEETs and their preparation for mobility 2. Mobility of the young people (2–6 months of work placement, accommodation, leisure activities etc.) 3. Follow-up with the young people after their stay abroad, including counselling, professional guidance, etc. 4. Preparation of the Final Report “Lessons learned and future plans” 5. Dissemination of experience and the best practices.
A network or a group can not apply for ALMA Call. Criteria for the organizations this Call can support are set out in Call Conditions chapter No. 2.2 “The ALMA Call is open to legal entities (public or private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States. If your organization is already validated by the Central Validation Service, and you have a Participant Identification Code, which could be found in the register containing all participants of EU programmes, you don’t need to submit the organization’s registration certificate. If you are not validated by the Central Validation Service, please provide the documents proving your organization’s legal status and origin as an Annex to the Application.”
So, you have to decide who will be the Beneficiary in the project, and who will join as a partner.
Such a model is not the aim of the ALMA programme, but it can happen. The sending organization should consider what support it can offer participants after they return from abroad.
As to the sending and hosting aspect – even though it was not mandatory, it was recommended that projects sending participants are also willing to host participants from other countries.
A successful participant in ALMA is a participant who finds employment, enrols in or re-enters further training, education or a labour-market programme within six months after the mobility but not later than by the end of the project. Please note that training or education does not mean short-term training or non-formal courses.
Data on successful participants must be submitted with the final report at the latest.
ALMA programme does not have direct links to formal training. The ALMA aims to help NEETs integrate into society and to find their way into the job market. All eligible activities and mandatory deliverables are indicated in the Call Conditions Section 2.3.
No, it isn’t. According to the Call Conditions, only the mobility to transnational partner(s) is funded. If the sending organisation is willing to receive trainees from other countries it must be involved in another project as a hosting partner.
A consortium of partners can’t apply for ALMA Call. Criteria for the organizations this Call can support are set out in Call Conditions chapter No. 2.2 “The ALMA Call is open to legal entities (public or private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States. If your organization is already validated by the Central Validation Service, and you have a Participant Identification Code, which can be found in the register containing all participants of EU programmes, you don’t need to submit the organization’s registration certificate. If you are not validated by the Central Validation Service, please provide the documents proving your organization’s legal status and origin as an Annex to the Application.”
There is no requirement to be an ESF+ Beneficiary when submitting the application.
There should be only one Beneficiary per project. The Beneficiary will sign the Grant agreement, and all related costs will be reimbursed to the Beneficiary. Partner(-s) costs are possible, but the Beneficiary will be responsible for payment and reimbursement. The beneficiary should be a sending organisation.
The Beneficiary and the partner cannot be the same organisation.
Under this Call, all projects must establish operational partnerships with at least one Partner from another Member State.
The ALMA Call is open to legal entities (public or private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States.
There is not stipulated that only the Managing authority or Intermediate body could apply. Still, all possible Applicant that plans to participate in this Call may include a Managing authority or Intermediate body as a Beneficiary or a Partner.
Only legal entities are eligible applicants. Consortia can’t apply for funding.
The Beneficiary must ensure that the submitted project or part is not financed or will not be financed by other programmes/projects.
The activities specified in the application must comply with the scope of eligible activities indicated in the Call Conditions. Member States with ALMA-type experience, like Germany, must demonstrate possibilities for scaling up the ALMA programme, e.g. choosing the most vulnerable target group or implementing the project at a larger scale, etc.
The ALMA Call is open to legal entities (public or private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States.
Section 2.2 of the Call conditions provides information on potential Beneficiaries and Partners. There is no requirement for NGO mediation.
All eligible activities are indicated in the Call Conditions Section 2.3. However, the applicant is not obliged to implement all activities, e. g. if partnership agreements have already been signed with transnational or national partners before the application submission, the Start-up phase is not necessary. Suppose the applicant has selected the project participants and implemented the preparatory activities (partly or fully) before application submission. In that case, these activities do not have to be implemented in the project. As a reminder, it is the responsibility of the beneficiary to ensure that there is no double funding for the same activities.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, as stated in the Call Conditions, only organisations acting as sending organisations may submit Applications under this Call. The sending organisation will cover all participant-related costs. Consortia are not allowed for this Call.
Expenses for activities in the Implementation phase you need to calculate in the calculator of expenses for the Implementation phase (Annex3 of Call Conditions), and they include:
Please note that for ALMA operational activities – preparation, mobility, and follow-up – only the Delegated Act for ALMA is used. The daily unit costs per participant apply equally for all three operation phases. It means all related expenses are covered only by the daily unit costs per participant (including all related expenditures for the target group, staff costs (mentors, etc.), host countries expenditures, and other costs, if any).
The main function of the transnational partner is to organise the mobility of the target group in the host country – taking into account the target group’s needs, specificities, etc., by finding companies for the participants to make work-related placements in, supervising the mobility, assisting in solving any problems, etc. All key aspects of the partnership (obligations, responsibilities, etc.) must be set out in the partnership agreement. The start-up phase is devoted to discussing, negotiating, and concluding these obligations. The key aspects of the partnership agreement are set out in Section 2.3 of the Call Conditions.
Costs of the Implementation phase will be paid using the EU-level ALMA SCOs and FNLC based on the Delegated Act. The mutual financial obligations between the Beneficiary and the transnational partner shall be agreed upon and set out in a partnership agreement. Please note that costs related to the host organisation’s functions in the project must be reimbursed from the SCOs and FNLC. No additional costs for the transnational partner may be incurred in the project.
For benefits for a transnational partner, please see FAQ (part “Miscellaneous“, question 18)
The ALMA pilot project will provide an excellent opportunity for the participating organisations to gain experience in European cooperation and to improve and broaden the competencies and skills of their staff. The pilot project will allow participating organisations to draw lessons learned from it and apply them successfully on a larger scale.
The Call Conditions do not limit the number of applications per Applicant.
Please note that selection of NEETs and their preparation for mobility is essential in the project’s implementation phase. During the preparation phase, you can discuss any difficulties you may encounter with your transnational partner in the mobility activities. You should anticipate these risks initially and agree on ways to address them. We recommend reading the ALMA manual to find answers to those questions and valuable and practical information: and
If we are talking about employment relations, employment contracts must be formalised by the law of the country where the participant of the project works.
No, the scope of the call is a work-related learning experience (mobility) of NEETs in the host country. To host NEETs from another country, you must be involved in another project as a host organisation (partner).
The list of potential applicants and partners is given in Section 2.2 of the Call Conditions. The list includes the possibility for associations active in the VET field to participate in the project, so you should assess whether your organisation meets this requirement.
Please also note that your association includes entities active in regions where ALMA-type projects have been implemented (Catalonia, Galicia). If these entities participate in the project, your application will not be eligible for the 10 points for the “Newcomer to ALMA programme” criterion.
The funded call for proposals is “European Mobility and Social Inclusion for the integration of disadvantaged young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs)”. This Call supports the preparation and implementation of the ALMA initiative to promote the social empowerment of disadvantaged young people. Therefore, other specific programmes like the one you mention are not eligible.
As indicated in section 2.3 of the Call conditions, one of the activities of the Start-up phase is specifically dedicated to building national partnerships. Therefore, even if no national partner(s) exists, an application may be submitted with the relevant activities for establishing national collaboration. Still, we recommend selecting national partners and discussing their roles and responsibilities with them before applying.
Just because you have European partner organisations who have secured funding from the EU on other calls does not preclude you from applying for this ALMA call. Ensuring no double financing of the same activities is important when involving partners in a project. Please also see section 3.2, “Double funding”, of the Call Conditions. In addition, the applicant and partner(s) will have to confirm by signing a declaration that they “have not received any other EU grant for this action and will give notice of any future EU grants related to this action AND of any EU operating grant(s) given to organisation”.
Please note, as stated in the Call Conditions, the transnational partner is mandatory for this Call, and the project must deliver all the foreseen deliverables that are relevant to the partnership. The Partnership Agreement between the Beneficiary and the Partner(-s) must agree on how the project will be implemented and what roles, including financial roles, each partner will have (for more information about key aspects of the Partnership Agreement, please see Section 2.3 of the Call Conditions).
Please also note that the ALMA call for proposals does not provide financial support to companies.
Please be informed that 20 % co-financing will be applied to the project budget for Start-up and Implementation phase.
Under this Call, all projects must establish operational partnerships with at least one Partner from another Member State. The Deliverables form of the 1st Start-up Phase is (are) a Signed Memorandum(s) of Understanding (Partnership Agreement(s)) between the Beneficiary and the lead Partner organisation from the receiving country (transnational Partner).
If the Beneficiary fails to conclude a mobility agreement with the planned partner in the start-up phase, the Beneficiary may terminate an agreement with another transnational partner. We recommend choosing a transnational partner from the country included in the application, as the hosting country can influence the project budget.
As you plan to apply at a regional level, we recommend involving the Regional Managing Authority in the project partnership. Please note that the role of the Managing Authority in the project is more related to the development of the plan for the ALMA programme upscaling. Hence, it is advisable to cooperate with the authority responsible for implementing the ALMA programme at a larger scale under shared management in your region.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an exact list of all EU countries governing bodies and websites.
1ST PART: After downloaded the spreadsheet „Annex 3 The calculator of expenses for the Implementation phase“, you need to enable editing. Then you need to choose country of origin „France“ and you will see „Basic unit cost per day, in Eur“ – „73,00“, as it indicated in the Delegated act. In the table, column „Country“, you need to choose the destination country for mobility phase. After that, depends of country for mobility phase, you will see „Daily top-up amount for mobility phase, in Eur (if applicable)“. Please note that „A daily top-up amount is applied, for the mobility phase, to participants of an ALMA operation who are spending their work-related stay abroad within a Member State with higher living costs than the Member State where the other phases of the operation take place. This top-up applies for participants going from Member States of group 2 and 3 to Member States of group 1 and 2, respectively, in accordance with tables 2 to 4 below.“ 2ND PART: According to your question to the spreadsheet „Annex 3 The calculator of expenses for the Implementation Phase“, we let you know we tried to fill in the spreadsheet with the data you provided and the spreadsheet produced error-free results. Please see the attached file with the completed data and printscreen. It is possible that the problem is that the excel spreadsheet does not open in English. You should check whether your excel uses English or national language. The spreadsheet is programmed for use in English so that it is available for use in all EU countries. |
During the START-UP PHASE the daily subsistence allowance shall be calculated on the basis of the Decision 12.1.2021 C(2021) 35 by the European Commission (unit-cost-decision-travel_en.pdf (
For more information, please see the Call conditions and Annex 2 ( )
During the IMPLEMENTATION PHASE, one of the activities is mobility of the young people.
One of the costs of this activity is the daily subsistence of the participants abroad (as you mentioned, it is stated also on page 50 of the ALMA manual). Please note that daily subsistence costs must include accommodation, meals and other necessary expenses for participants. These costs are calculated in accordance with the Delegated Act for ALMA (
Please also note that a daily top-up for the participants that receive an allowance from the Beneficiary, which is specified in the Delegated Act for ALMA, is not covered by this Call.
There is no extended list specifying how or how many meals a day the participants need to have, how they are to be accommodated and so on. It is up to the Beneficiary to choose how to organise the participants’ living abroad, based on its own and its partners’ best practices.
Also, the practical examples and the key elements of work-related learning experience abroad are presented in Section 6.3 and 6.4 of the ALMA Manual.
For more information related to SCOs and FNLC, you can also find in this study
There is no indication of how much funding (percentage) must be allocated in Start-up phase or in Implementation phase.
Expenditures for activities in the Start-up phase can be submitted based on unit cost which are determined in the Decision by the European Commission and/or draft budget based on real costs. A lump sum for the activities of the Start-up phase will be established during the assessment of Application, based on the draft budget submitted and linked to the work packages. Expenditures for activities in the Implementation phase can be submitted: 1) using the EU-level ALMA SCOs and FNLC based on the Delegated Act by the European Commission for the pilot exchanges, 2) draft budget based on real costs for the preparation of the Final Report and dissemination of experience and the best practices. A lump sum for activities (project monitoring, preparation of the Final Report, dissemination of experience and the best practices, assessment of achievements of the target group, and evaluation of the project results) will be established during the assessment of the Application, based on the draft budget submitted and linked to the work packages.
By signing the Beneficiary’s declaration accompanying the application, the Applicant certifies that the Beneficiary’s contribution will be financed from own resources and will not be financed by other funds supported by the European Commission. ESFA has the right to request additional documentation in case of questions.
According to method based on 1,720 hours per full-time employee per calendar year: “For the calculation of the fixed hourly rate for project implementation staff, the last 12 months must be used the annual gross wage costs recorded in the accounts for the last 12 months. This means that the following must be used the most recent data available, which does not necessarily relate to the calendar year or the financial year.”
Eligible project expenses must be related only to the activities and deliverables foreseen in the Start-up and Implementation phases.
Please note that indirect project costs can be used for staff training (up to 7 per cent).
More information you could find in Section 3.1. of the Call conditions ( )
Staff costs are eligible if they fulfil general eligibility conditions and are related to the staff working for the Beneficiary under an employment contract (or an equivalent appointing act) and assigned to the project. For eligible costs, please see Section 3.1 in the Call Conditions.
The target group with disabilities or other health issues could and are strongly encouraged to participate in this Call.
The related expenditures (e.i. assistance during the placement) are eligible, but please note that the preparation, mobility, and follow-up activities of the Implementation Phase must be calculated by the ALMA Delegated Act.
Please note that each project participant’s plan for ALMA activities is individually tailored to participants’ situations and needs.
Ideally, the number of participants in the preparation, mobility and follow-up activities can be the same. Still, in practice, this number may vary (e.g. in the mobility phase, the participant will not complete his/her traineeship and will no longer participate in the follow-up phase). The completed calculator provided is only indicative.
The number of participants in all phases may be the same but may also vary.
The ALMA call for proposals does not provide financial support to companies.
Expenses in the Start-up phase are meant to be related to the search for Partners. More information you could find in Section 2.3. of the Call conditions ( )
For the organisational set-up, you can use the flat rate of up to 7 per cent at the Start-up phase (visiting national or transnational partners).
According to the maximum possible duration of the project (18 months), two prefinancing instalments (plus an additional prefinancing, if any) and the final payment are planned:
In case of acceptable risks, the frequency and the amounts of the foreseen prefinancing may be adjusted, and an additional prefinancing may be provided. The specific prefinancing frequency, amount and requirements will be defined in the Grant Agreement.
Project costs related to the administration of the project are possible, but you have to use indirect costs as described in Section 3.1. of the Call Conditions.
Staff costs must be related only to the activities and deliverables foreseen in the Start-up and Implementation phases.
Please note that each project participant’s plan for ALMA activities is individually tailored to participants’ situations and needs. The project activities are focused on working with the target group, so it is not possible to say exactly how much time will be needed.
A lump sum for the activities of the Start-up phase and preparation of the Final Report and dissemination activities will be established during the assessment of the Application based on the draft budget submitted and linked to the work packages.
Please note that 20% of the co-financing costs must relate to the cost of participants’ participation in the activities (i.e., training, providing physical space for workshops, etc.).
Also, for more information, please check Section 3.1. of the Call Conditions, which contains explanations and recommendations on the eligibility of costs.
Note that 20 % of co-financing will be applied to the project budget. The total eligible costs of the project are being established in different ways. For example, for the elements covered by unit costs and/or FNLC, the Delegated Act amounts represent the total eligible costs. The Start-up phase, dissemination, and preparation of the Final report would be the lump sums established based on information submitted by the Beneficiary. ESFA will apply a funding rate of 80% to the whole project budget.
Please note that indirect costs (up to a maximum of 7 %) are applied to the direct costs of the Start-up phase and for the Final report preparation and dissemination activities of the Implementation phase. Note ALMA Delegated Act already includes indirect costs and covers all the operation costs, so no indirect costs shall be added for these activities.
Please note that the Calculators of expenses (Annex2 and Annex3 of Call Conditions) have been developed to calculate project costs. Detailed instructions on how to fill in the calculators are given in the calculators document itself. Examples of completed calculators can be found on the ESFA webpage
Please note that in the Implementation Phase, costs will be paid as follows:
According to the maximum possible duration of the project (18 months), two prefinancing instalments (plus an additional prefinancing, if any) and the final payment are planned:
In case of acceptable risks, the frequency and the amounts of the foreseen prefinancing may be adjusted, and an additional prefinancing may be provided. The specific prefinancing frequency, amount and requirements will be defined in the Grant Agreement.
Please note that partner(-s) costs are possible, but the Beneficiary will be responsible for payment and reimbursement.
For ALMA operational activities – preparation, mobility, and follow-up – only the Delegated Act for ALMA is used. The daily unit costs per participant apply equally for all three operation phases. It means all related expenses are covered only by the daily unit costs per participant (including host countries’ expenditures, if any).
The financial responsibilities and distribution of them among the partners must be addressed in the Partnership Agreement.
Participants’ preparation, mobility and follow-up costs will be paid on an actual basis at fixed rates by the Delegated Act for ALMA (including a top-up for the successful participants).
The number of participants participating in the activities will be reimbursed according to the fixed rates, so there is no risk of reimbursing more than the costs incurred.
The financial responsibilities and distribution of the Beneficiary and Partner (-s) must be addressed in the Partnership Agreement.
Information and possible examples about eligible expenses of the Start-up and Implementation phases you could find on pages 10-12 and Section 3.1. of the Call conditions (
Expenses in the Start-up phase are meant to be related to the search for Partners, so staff costs (salaries) for performing the mentioned task are possible.
In the Implementation phase, for expenses related to the project’s Final Report, monitoring and assessment activities, as well as dissemination of experience and the best practices activities, staff costs (salaries) are possible.
You can find more about eligible and ineligible costs (related to staff costs) in Section 3.1. and 3.2. of the Call conditions (
Volunteering costs are not eligible for this Call.
Under this Call, all projects must establish operational partnerships with at least one Partner from another Member State. We recommend you decide which country you want to cooperate with when preparing your application.
Costs of the Implementation phase (i.e. daily subsistence of the participants abroad) are calculated in accordance with the Delegated Act for ALMA (
According to the Delegated act for ALMA of the sending country, the budget is based on a unit cost for participants. Additional daily amounts for the mobility phase depend on the receiving country (because of the classification of Member States into three groups as stipulated in the Delegated Act).
Under the Call Conditions (see Section 5.5), the most vulnerable NEETs are young people who, due to a physical or mental disability, cannot find a job for a long time (long-term unemployed – unemployed for more than 12 months).
Please, note that a minimum of 2 groups of 8-12 young people should be sent to placements in another Member State. Remember that selecting NEETs and their preparation for mobility is essential in the project’s implementation phase. Information about the risks related to participants dropping out before or during the mobility phase you can find in Call conditions sector 3.3, “Use of simplified costs” (page No. 20)
Participants’ preparation, mobility and follow-up costs will be paid on an actual basis at fixed rates by the Delegated Act for ALMA Fixed rates are calculated based on the participation time of the target group at the time of mobility, and no additional expenditures can be estimated for other staff. The fixed rates must cover all possible costs.
Expenses for activities in the Implementation phase need to calculate in the calculator of costs for the Implementation phase (Annex3 of Call Conditions), and they include:
1. A daily rate, additional daily amounts for the mobility phase and a top-up for the successful participants based on the Delegated Act for ALMA (
Please note that for ALMA operational activities – preparation, mobility, and follow-up – only the Delegated Act for ALMA is used, and the daily unit costs per participant apply equally for all three phases of the operation. It means all related expenses are covered only by the daily unit costs per participant (including all related expenditures for the target group, staff costs (mentors, etc.), host countries expenditures, and other costs, if any).
2. The 2nd and 3rd parts of the calculator of expenses are intended for staff costs and other additional costs for preparing the Final Report and dissemination activities.
The Beneficiary must contribute at least 20% to the project implementation. To be able to undertake and implement financial commitments, the Beneficiary must be financially strong. The applicant’s financial capacity will be assessed during the grant agreement preparation based on documents submitted to ESFA.
For documents to provide, see Section 4.1 in the Call Conditions. If the applicant’s financial capacity is low, specific measures will be applied, e.g. prefinancing guarantee, splitting the prefinancing, etc. We recommend that the applicant be a body with stable and sufficient recourses to implement the project successfully.
As voluntary work is work without getting paid, it is impossible for the Beneficiary’s co-funding. If the project incurs rent, utilities, etc., costs, these may be eligible contributions from the beneficiary. The beneficiary undertakes to ensure the implementation of the project by providing a co-funding of 20%. ESFA will not verify the sources of the co-financing part during the implementation of the project.
In Annex 3 of your application, you must indicate the specific number of working days for each phase (preparation, mobility, follow-up). Please note that the planned number of working days must be justified in Part A’s ‘Activity description’ section, point 3.1 of the application. Costs for preparation, mobility and follow-up activities will be declared using simplified cost options (unit costs (daily rate) and finance not linked to costs (top-up for successful participants). A lump sum will be determined only for Start-up, Final report and Dissemination work packages.
Participant’s allowance is not foreseen in the ALMA call. Eligibility of costs is indicated in the Call Conditions, section 3.1.
Please note that the Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and the Council of 24 June 2021 does not apply to this Call for Proposals (by Article 1, part 2).
In the Alma programme, repair costs are not eligible, as all possible costs must be foreseen for integrating participants into the labour market or education using the ALMA framework.
A possible grant ranges between 300 000 Eur to 650 000 Eur per project, constituting not more than 80% of the total budget. A co-financing of at least 20 % must thus come from the Beneficiary’s resources, and it cannot be financed from the other funds provided by the EC. So yes, the total project budget would be 375 000 Eur – contribution (375 000*20%) = 300 000 Eur covered from ALMA’s budget (80%).
The preparation of the participants, mobility and follow-up costs will be paid on an actual basis at fixed rates by the Delegated Act for ALMA Fixed rates are calculated based on the participation time of the target group at the time of mobility, and no additional expenditures can be estimated for other staff. The fixed rates must cover all possible costs.
Please note that partner(-s) costs are possible, but the Beneficiary will be responsible for payment and reimbursement. We want to draw your attention, that signing Partnership Agreement with an international partner, you will have to set responsibilities, commitments and budget according to the number of host participants, as payment will be made to the Beneficiary for the number of participants and the amount of time they spend participating in the project, according to the rates laid down in the Delegated Act. More Key aspects the partnership agreement must cover are indicated in the Call Conditions, section 2.3.
Also, please note that it would be the responsibility of The Beneficiary to calculate all possible budgets according to the number of participants and their time involved in implementation activities (by the Delegated Act for ALMA daily unit cost) and to spread the estimated expenses between the partners. ESFA will check all documents related to participants’ participation in the project.
During the IMPLEMENTATION PHASE, the preparation of participants, mobility and follow-up costs should be calculated based on fixed rates in accordance with the Delegated Act for ALMA Fixed rates must be calculated based on the participation time of the target group at the time of preparation, mobility, follow-up and no additional expenditures can be calculated for other staff. The fixed rates must cover all possible costs. Please, fill in “1. ALMA SCOs for piloting exchanges“ in Annex 3 to calculate the expected costs.
To calculate the expected staff costs and other additional costs for preparing the final report and dissemination activities, please, fill in “2. Staff costs and other additional costs for preparing the final report” and “3. Staff costs and other additional costs for dissemination activities” in Annex 3.
As the Start-up phase is dedicated to the conclusion of agreements (memorandums of understanding) with partners, applications with agreements or part of agreements with partners attached will not be assessed more favourably and will not be awarded more points for the mere submission of agreements. Please note that the role of the project partner, i.e., the tasks and responsibilities to be carried out in the project, must be clearly detailed, and defined in the application, even if there are no agreements with partners.
We recommend making a preliminary planning of the national and European partners with whom you will implement the project at the time of preparation of your application, taking into account their existing competences, experience, and knowledge. We recommend discussing with the project partners who of their staff members have the necessary qualifications and experience for the implementation of the project, whether that staff will be available to carry out the planned project tasks. The experts will assess the quality of application in terms of the competences and experience of the project staff on the basis of the information provided in the application.
If, during the implementation of the project, it becomes apparent that the staff referred to in the application will not be able to participate in the implementation of the project, the Beneficiary must ensure that those staff are replaced by staff with at least the same qualifications and experience.
A project partnership consisting of different actors ensures access to the different types of expertise required in order to carry out project activities efficiently and effectively. If the Beneficiary fails to conclude a memorandum of understanding with the envisaged partner in the application during the Start-up phase, it must replace the partner with a partner of the same profile and expertise who will be able to ensure the quality of the tasks assigned to that partner. We recommend that applicants applying for 10 points under the “Quality of the national network” criterion have already agreements on tasks and responsibilities with the intended partners before the application submission, but not necessarily in writing.
The Beneficiary is responsible for the implementation of the project to the extent and to the quality specified in the Grant Agreement. If the Beneficiary replaces the intended partner with another, or if the tasks and responsibilities of the intended partner in the project are transferred to another partner, ESFA will reassess whether the project still meets the award criterion “Quality of the national network “.
In the context of this Call, the most vulnerable people are:
The Beneficiary must ensure that the project is implemented under the conditions set out in the Grant Agreement. Thus, the Beneficiary must ensure that the proportion of the most vulnerable participants is maintained throughout the life of the project.
The experts must have no oral or written communication with both the applicant and the partners. In case of any problems arising during the assessment, experts should contact ESFA. ESFA will decide whether the Beneficiary needs to provide additional information or clarifications, or if the Application should be assessed in the form it has been submitted.
Section ‘Financial and operational capacity and exclusion’ in the call document specifies the timing for the operational and financial check.
Operational capacity of the Applicant and partners will be assessed together with the “Quality” award criterion on the basis of supporting documents and the information provided in the application.
Financial capacity of the Beneficiary will be assessed during the preparation of the Grant Agreement. The financial capacity check will be carried out on the basis of the documents you will be requested to upload.
Please note that the Call is addressed to organisations with a legal personality (public and private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States.
There is no requirement that the Applicant organization or National/Regional Authority has previously participated in ALMA (formerly TLN mobility) activities.
Implementers from all Member States have the opportunity to test the ALMA initiative, regardless of whether ALMA is already included under ESF+ shared management in their country or region or not.
Please note that page 8 of the Call Conditions contains information on who is eligible to participate in the Call, as well as the conditions for national and international partnerships. Moreover, all possible Applicant that plan to participate in this Call may include a Managing authority or Intermediate body as a Beneficiary or a Partner.
In the period of 2014-2020 projects similar to ALMA were implemented in Spain (Catalonia, Galicia), you can check information here
The Beneficiary must make sure that the project participant belongs to the most vulnerable NEETs when selecting participants. The following justification documents are required for each participant:
The project can be implemented no earlier than ESFA publishes the list of projects selected and proposed for financing under this Call. The project costs from the date of publication of the list of projects proposed for the funding to the date of signing the Grant Agreement are incurred at the risk of the Beneficiary.
The same Applicant can submit several applications, and there are no restrictions in this Call. The applicant will decide who will be the Beneficiary and the Partner. Your proposed option could fully meet the requirements of the Call.
No, there is no requirement to have previous mobility experience. However, the applicant should demonstrate sufficient operational capacity to implement the project successfully.
Project selection will be organised in several rounds based on merits and geographical balance. The best (top-ranked) eligible project from each Member State (newcomers and MS/regions with experience) will be selected in each round. Here is an example:
In the first round, the top-ranked applications (country A – 90 scores, country B – 95 scores and country C – 75 scores) will be selected for funding. Suppose after the first round, there is enough money to fund applications from the second round (one application from each country). In that case, applications (country A – 85 scores, country B – 70 scores and country C – 55 scores) will be selected for funding. Once the remaining money is insufficient to finance the next top-ranked application from each country, grants will be awarded to the remaining top-ranked applications regardless of their country of origin. E. g., in this case, there is enough money to fund only one application from the third round. The funding will be provided to the application which has scored 65 points. As there are two applications with the same number of scores, the application that scored more points for the criterion “Quality” will be selected for funding.
Ten points for countries/regions newcomers (Applicant) provide an additional incentive for them to pilot the ALMA programme in their countries/regions. However, countries/regions newcomers do not have any priority in selecting applications for funding.
Management activities do not need a separate WP. For the Implementation phase, please create 3 WP: Implementation – participants preparation, mobility and follow up WP, Preparation of the Final Report WP and Dissemination of experience and best practice WP.
Yes, other regions of Italy are treated as newcomers to the ALMA programme under the Call Conditions.
Suppose you will not conclude a cooperation agreement with a partner before the application submission. In that case, you can do it in the Start-up phase. Still, we recommend discussing their participation, roles and responsibilities with the partner(s) before the agreement is signed, as you will have to describe the partner’s contribution to the project in the application. The applicant may initiate signing some kind of letter of intent on his part to feel confident that the partner involved will participate in the project once the funding has been received. Still, we do not have any forms (i.e. “Letter of Intent” or “Letter of support”). There is information on Call conditions, pages 9-10, which describes what should be included in the partnership agreements so that you can prepare the letter of intent according to this information.
Based on the experience of ALMA-type projects already implemented from 2014 to 2020, we recommend that a contract be drawn up between the participant and the operator (sending organisation), setting out the mutual rights and obligations of the parties during the life of the project. We also recommend the conclusion of a tripartite agreement between the operator (sending organisation), the host organisation and the participant setting out the rights and obligations of the parties during the mobility period.
As the relationship between the participant and the placement company will be an apprenticeship rather than a working relationship, we recommend that you draw up an apprenticeship agreement between the participant and the company. We cannot offer standard contracts between the host company and the participant, as each country has different legal provisions governing the apprenticeship relationship.
1. According to the Call Conditions, projects whose applicants are from countries or regions that have not implemented ALMA-type projects in the 2014-2020 programming period are eligible for 10 points for the award criterion “Newcomer to ALMA programme”. This means that any entity from Galicia is not eligible for the newcomer criterion.
2. A member of your association from Galicia can participate in the project. Still, since the member comes from a region where an ALMA-type project has already been implemented, your project will not be able to score points for the “Newcomer to ALMA programme” award criterion. The purpose of the Call is to enable the ALMA programme to be piloted in new EU countries or regions which do not have experience with ALMA. However, suppose you do not rely on the capacity of members from Galicia and Catalonia to implement your project. In that case, you will be eligible for 10 points under the “Newcomer to ALMA programme” criterion.
The ALMA Call for proposals aims to pilot the ALMA programme in as many EU Member States as possible so that the selection will be made in rounds. As the Call has a limited budget, we hope to select at least one of the best applications per country for funding. And if, after the first round, the budget is not fully allocated, the second-highest-scoring applications from each country group will be selected. So, there is more competition within a group of applications from one country than between applications from individual countries.
The content of the preparatory activities will depend very much on the individual needs of each participant and the participants’ plans for the preparatory activities, so please only indicate the tentative content of the preparatory activities in your application. The total duration of the preparatory phase will also depend on the specificities of the target group, e.g. participants with disabilities may take longer to prepare, e.g. up to 5 months, but for other participants without special needs, 2-3 months will be sufficient. When planning the duration of the project phases, please refer to the experience of countries that have already implemented ALMA-type projects described in the ALMA manual.
Third country nationals are eligible to participate in the Call activities.
We would like to point out that the Beneficiary must ensure that all or part of the project activities are not funded by other EU programmes.
Yes, page 8 of the Call conditions states that the sending organisation must submit the completed Application. If the Application is successful, the Grant agreement will be awarded to the sending organisation and all costs will be reimbursed to the sending organisation.
Yes, both mobility and other costs related to the activities will be reimbursed, as foreseen on pages 10-12 of the Call conditions. Partner costs are possible, but the Beneficiary will be responsible for payment and reimbursement of the costs. The financial responsibilities and distribution of the partners must be addressed in the Partnership Agreement (see pages 9-10 of the Call conditions).
You will not have to provide documentation to ESFA on NEETs’ data during the project implementation (unless you are asked to do so), but you must keep documents in your organisation.
As stated on page 9 of the Call Conditions, all projects must establish operational partnerships with at least one Partner from another Member State, but that Partner does not have to be from the database mentioned This database is indicated as an auxiliary tool as an alternative to the partner search, but it is not mandatory.
Please note that the Partnership project must benefit the target group and it is therefore up to the Beneficiary to know which partner would be suitable for their planned activities.
A separate database for the ALMA call has not yet been set up, but this is planned for the future, so you should keep an eye on the ESFA website for further information
Alternatively, we recommend that you look at the website of the National Agencies implementing Erasmus+ actions
and the European Social Fund Plus Social Innovation Match database as an alternative source for partner searches
As indicated in the Call condition, it has to be an internship, work programme in the private or public sector. The mobility phase is about acquiring work skills, not about receiving training. The aim is for NEETs who have participated in ALMA to return to the labour market.
For the purpose to receive training, there are other ongoing programmes such as the ERASMUS programme.
Each project should include a minimum of 2 groups of 8- 12 young people to be sent to placements in another Member State.
No. Project target group – NEETs aged 18 to 29, not in education, employment, or training.
There is no straightforward answer to this question. It depends on many circumstances. The applicant has the best knowledge of the country or region and the target group he wants to work with and can foresee inviting partners to help to implement the project. It is also possible to think of not only formal but also informal partners who will help in the project.
We would recommend reading the ALMA manual, where you can find a lot of helpful information: and
It depends on the target group. The TLN Mobility Programme has given different experiences in different countries. The target group can be persons who have completed secondary education or even have a university degree. Still, it can also be the most vulnerable persons who need “soft skills”, e.g., to develop team building skills or to develop dealing with conflict. So, the preparation phase will depend on the target group’s needs and cannot be the same for all projects. Applicants should use a tailored made approach for each target group person.
The mobility phase requires between 2 and 6 months. Indeed, the preparation and follow-up phases have no fixed duration, but it should be noted that all activities in the Implementation phase cannot last longer than 14 months.
In section 6 of the ALMA Manual, you can find examples of other countries’ practices in implementing the TLN Mobility Programme and a more detailed explanation of the duration of each implementation phase.
It is estimated to select approx. 30-50 projects for funding.
Yes, cooperation is possible to the extent corresponding to eligible project activities according to the Call Conditions.
Yes, employment contracts must be formalised by the law of the country where the participant works.
We want to point out that in ALMA projects, the main objective is to accompany the target group through all the steps, from the preparation phase, the mobility phase (including helping them to find a placement in a foreign country), up to the follow-up phase, where after the placement, the returned participant is followed up by a further work programme, with comprehensive support to help him/her to find a job, to get back to training etc.
To succeed, it is necessary to follow the steps of project set-up and management. For detailed practical information on the project life cycle, please see Section 6.1 of the ALMA Manual.
Projects submitted under this Call should target NEETs who have difficulties accessing work or training for individual or structural reasons (e.g., disability, long-term unemployment, poor school performance or vocational skills, migration background, etc.).
The project will not check whether the young people receive any benefits in their home country, but please be informed that the Beneficiary must ensure that there is no double funding from the EU budget in the project. Any action may receive only one grant from the EU budget, and under no circumstances shall the same costs be financed twice by the Union budget. More information you could find in Section 3.2. of the Call conditions.
A description of the project target group is indicated on the Call conditions page No. 12.
Information about reporting and payment arrangements is provided on Call conditions pages No. 34-35.
ALMA will be made possible through partnerships and close cooperation between sending and receiving organisations, including public and private employment services, social services, training providers, youth and other organisations that help to select participants.
The ALMA pilot project will provide an excellent opportunity for the participating organisations to gain experience in European cooperation and to improve and broaden the competencies and skills of their staff. The pilot project will allow participating organisations to draw lessons learned from the pilot project and to apply them successfully on a larger scale.
Please note that if you apply to carry out a project under this Call, you must comply with the terms and conditions of the Call Conditions and, of course, with the national legislation governing the implementation of projects in your country.
Last modified: 2025-01-31
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