On Friday, January 25 2019, in Baku, Azerbaijan, a Closure event of the Twinning project “Support to further reforms of the civil service system in Azerbaijan” was held, with the participation of the Head of the SEC Board of Directors Mrs. Maleyka Abbaszadeh, Deputy Head Mr. Bahram Khalilov, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Kęstutis Jankauskas, Ambassador of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Valdas Lastauskas.

Head of the SEC Board of Directors Maleyka Abbaszadeh, Deputy Head Bahram Khalilov and several other government officials and foreign guests delivered speeches during the event. A Member State project leader, Deputy Chancellor of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Alminas Mačiulis on behalf of Lithuanian team thanked for the opportunity to work with a very dedicated group of people, which helped a lot to reach all the mandatory results. Also during the project implementation period the partnership between two countries was strengthened, which will help to ensure the sustainability of achieved results. “Lithuania will remain a friend and a reliable partner to the Republic of Azerbaijan in the future”, stressed Mr. Alminas Mačiulis.

Resident Twinning Advisor of the project Mr. Edvardas Žukauskas made presentation about the key results of the project implemented more than two years. He stressed 4 main areas where the achievements made: content-based regrouping of civil service positions (general and special areas of activities) and development of standard job profiles and skills and abilities system; initiation of gradual move from knowledge-based assessment to competency-based system in the recruitment; development of a new more effective performance appraisal method (with elements such as self-appraisal, dialogue between subordinate and manager) linked with other Human Resources Management processes and finally the development of simplified remuneration system which is linked with Performance appraisal results and annual indexation in accordance with economic situation. Mr. Žukauskas also mentioned the importance of cooperation with people through on-job discussions, meetings, trainings, study visits and etc.

The total budget of this two-year EU-funded Twinning project was 1.2 million euros and it has generated important results, facilitating processes and mechanisms to implement the needed changes in the civil service. The partners of the project were the Office of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Civil Service Department and the European Social Fund Agency of Lithuania.

As an initiative of the European Commission, the Twinning instrument was launched in 1998 to support candidate countries in their integration process to the EU. It ensures institutional cooperation bringing together public sector expertise from EU Member States and beneficiary country of the Programme.

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