Call documents

First Call for Proposals of ESF Social Innovation+ Initiative

We welcome you to submit project proposals in the framework of the first ESF Social Innovation+ initiative’s Call for Proposals.

With an indicative budget of EUR 15 million the Call for proposals is targeting European mobility and social inclusion of disadvantaged young people not in employment, education, or training (NEETs).

The ESF Social Innovation+ initiative aims to facilitate the transfer and upscaling of innovative solutions to the societal challenges of today. Through supporting transnational cooperation, the initiative aims to expand best practices in fields involving employment, education, skills and social inclusion across Europe.  

The objective of this Call is to help Member States to integrate ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) in their ESF+ programmes, by piloting or scaling up ALMA type of operations. To ensure that ALMA is implemented in as many Member States as possible, the award procedure will be competitive, while establishing geographical balance.

The Call for Proposals is open from 15/12/2022 and closes on 15/03/2023 at 5:00 PM CET.

Main aspects of the Call

Who can apply 

The Call is addressed to organisations with a legal personality (public and private bodies) established in one of the EU Member States.

Only organisations that will act in the project as sending organisations may submit applications under this Call and all participant-related costs will be covered by the sending organisation.

The Call will provide funding for actions in two phases:

1st phase is Start-up phase (maximum 4 months):

  1. Building up partnerships and defining roles of actors within a Member State/region.
  2. Building transnational partnerships with relevant actors in at least one receiving Member State.

2nd phase is Implementation phase (maximum 14 months):

  1. Preparation: selection and preparation of the NEETs for the mobility.
  2. Mobility of the young people (2–6 months’ work placement, accommodation, social activities etc.). Minimum 2 groups of 8-12 young people should be sent to placements in another Member State.
  3. Follow-up with the young people after their stay abroad, including counselling and professional guidance, etc.
  4. Preparation of a final report “Lessons learned and future plans” (including analysis of the results and impact of the project, lessons learned, recommendations, and future plans).
  5. Dissemination of experience and the best practices at national level.

Call Conditions

  1. Call Conditions for the ALMA initiative
  2. Annex 1_The Grant Agreement template
  3. Annex 2_The calculator of expenses for the Start-up phase (update 12 January 2023)
  4. Annex 3_The calculator of expenses for the Implementation phase (update 12 January 2023)
  5. Annex 4_ Final report “Lessons learned and future plans” template
  6. Annex 5_ “List of previous projects” template  

How to apply 

All applications must be submitted directly online via portal eSINNIS (Social Innovation Information System)

1 step

2 step

Paper applications are NOT accepted.

The application must be submitted before the Call deadline 15/03/2023 at 5:00 PM CET. After this deadline, the system will be closed, and proposals shall no longer be submitted.

To inquire

For IT related questions please contact

For the Call related questions please contact

Last modified: 2025-01-31

European social fund agency

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