On April 23rd and 24th, 2024, the European Competence Centre for Social Innovation hosted the 4th ALMA Beneficiaries Mutual Learning Event, and the 6th ALMA network Meeting in Malaga in Spain. These simultaneous sessions aimed to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders, facilitating the sharing of best practices and successful strategies, enhance the reach and effectiveness of social innovation and mobility projects under the ALMA program, which provides critical support to vulnerable youth across Europe. 

As Miglė Aleksonytė, Head of Project Management Group, European Competence Centre for Social Innovation, puts it, “Our goal is not only to share insights and achievements but also to collectively address the challenges we face in implementing these projects. The role of partners in this event is fundamental. High-level guests and partners such as the European Commission and various European social mobility and training entities play a pivotal role in shaping the discussions and outcomes.”  

The agendas for both events were designed to discuss the complexity of project management and execution within the ALMA framework. From learning about supporting documents for reporting to engaging with the latest updates on mobility programmes, participants received valuable insights directly from experts and experienced operators. Key sessions included practical activities focused on real-time problem-solving and updates on ongoing activities that emphasised successes and challenges across various member states. 

Bettina Reuter, a thematic expert in the ALMA network explains: “The internal sessions of the ALMA network provides practical support and guidance for ESF+ Managing Authorities and Implementing Bodies for preparing, launching, and implementing ALMA calls at different levels. At this time the network partners have been particularly focused on Finance and Simplified Cost Options and looked at existing funding schemes for ALMA programmes, identified challenges and discussed potential solutions to overcome these.” 

The significance of these events was acknowledged by the involvement of high-level guests and key partners. Keynote addresses were delivered by Lucrezia Ioannoni-Fiore, representative from the European Commission, as well as María Eugenia Donaire Hernández, Head of the Guidance and Assistance to the Demand Service of the Andalusian Employment Service. 

The 4th ALMA Beneficiaries Mutual Learning Event and the 6th ALMA network Meeting in Malaga are more than just learning opportunities; they are platforms for building a community dedicated to improving social outcomes through innovation and collaboration, providing opportunity for professionals involved in social innovation and mobility projects to engage directly with peers and experts, gain new knowledge and forging connections that will enhance their work with vulnerable groups across Europe. 

The photos captured by Carmen Vallejo.  

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